Posts by Mrcds 4
I've been trying to submit an article to SA for the last few doors. So far, the score is 4 submissions, 4 rejections. To be honest, I'm sick of messing around with it. I mean, this lot are more demanding than Ezine, and I thought they were supposed to be the Kings of Fussy. I'm wasting more time trying to please SA than one article's worth. I've used Pixote's suggestion, which seemed reasonable to me, and tried several other variations, all to no avail. I thought the WA Powers That Are wanted u
June 19, 2011 the members of the WA community and also Warrior Forum for providing honest reviews of some of the garbage that's out there masquerading as "The Next Big Thing" in IM products. I actually bought Net Space Profits by someone going by the name of Tyler Ericsson, but, thanks to accidentally coming across a forum post on WF that asked for opinions of this product, I've requested a refund within the guarantee timeframe.  Phew! Another waste of money hopefully avoided - provided
June 05, 2011
 Following Robbeh's (eh?) teaching, I've been using Market Samurai as part of my keyword research, but keep getting locked out and getting a message saying I'm submitting too many analysis requests to Google.  Why does Google do this? So far, I've been locked out for 24 hours or more and counting - anybody any idea whether or not I'll ever be allowed in again? Who's a naughty boy, then? Is this what's referred to as the Google Slap On The Wrist?!!?? Think I'll head down the pub for a
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February 26, 2011
Just completed the WA Article Marketing Club (OK, I fibbed - I've actually still got a few days' tasks to complete, but the club itself is over), and all I can say is..........WOW! What an experience! I learned a ton of stuff, from keyword research to article writing to getting backlinks to......The list goes on. If you've never tried one of these WA clubs, give it a go. It's a lot of work, but you'll learn a lot and be all the better for the experience, regardless of what you decide to do with
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