Join The Club!

Last Update: February 26, 2011

Just completed the WA Article Marketing Club (OK, I fibbed - I've actually still got a few days' tasks to complete, but the club itself is over), and all I can say is..........WOW! What an experience! I learned a ton of stuff, from keyword research to article writing to getting backlinks to......The list goes on.

If you've never tried one of these WA clubs, give it a go. It's a lot of work, but you'll learn a lot and be all the better for the experience, regardless of what you decide to do with it in the future.

My fellow club members were fantastic - they couldn't do enough for me and for each other in the forums. And Marcus, our fearful(!) leader, did a great job of guiding us through the maze of article writing.

Many thanks to one and all, and can't wait to jump into the next club!

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jatdebeaune Premium
I got interrupted by personal and professional things, much to my chagrin. Still going through the club assignments by myself. It is great training. Is the forum still active? I was looking forward to actively participating. Well, life happens.