A Little Laughter Amongst All The Work!

Last Update: April 02, 2010

52 weeks a year, 5-7 days a week we toil hard in an effort to achieve our goals in life. In the midst of all of this hard work, someone came up with an idea...let's set aside one day a year and have a little fun...playing harmless pranks on others. We call it April Fools Day. Once again the day has come and gone. Oh no, now we have to wait another year for it to come back...or do we?

We can have fun anytime we want, if we only take a little time to do so, but while we are technically waiting for next April Fools Day , let's share a few of our favorite April Fools Pranks. Have you pulled a few great pranks, had a few pulled on you...or heard some great stories? Go ahead, let's share them with each other, perhaps we can add a few more ideas to our arsenal.

I had the pleasure this year to help someone pull off an April Fools prank. I happen to be a Stork News franchise owner and I got a phone call for an unexpected order for April Fools Day. It was an awesome call, as these two ladies have a standing April Fools Feud going every year. The caller didn't tell me her age (sounded around 30, maybe 40 at the most) and the other lady is in her 60's. The prank: She wanted to put a Stork up in front of her business saying Congratulations [name], implying this 60+ year old just had a baby.

The phone call was awesome, as we had a great time talking about this prank. I installed the Stork early on April Fools morning, had a little chuckle and went on my merry way. Later in the day, I received a call from the lady who got pranked. She had a great laugh and really enjoyed it, which is what April Fools Day is supposed to be about anyway.

Are you looking for a new idea? Consider sending a Stork as a gag present! Check out our corporate website and click on the zip code finder to see if there is a franchise in your area...and in the meantime, let's hear about some of your greatest pranks!

Well, there is a time and a place for everything...and it's time to get back to working, but don't forget to have a little fun while you work!

And thus concludes my first blog here on WA. It was only fitting that my first blog be about the things in life that make us smile...so let's hear your stories. I'll be waiting! And if you know of any good sites that have lots of ideas for April Fools, or other special events, please share with the rest of us.

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jatdebeaune Premium
I'd like to tell you about some of the pranks I've pulled, but discretion is the better part of valor, for now anyway. Played no pranks this year. I'm slipping.