Posts by Mrwilson 2
Ok, my wife has really wanted to go to Italy now for the past several years. Therefore, for our 5th wedding anniversary, I told her that we are going. To pay for this trip, I am launching Project Italy.  Here's how it is going to work.  In addition to the other projects that I have running, I launched a new blog/campaign and all the proceeds from this project are going to pay for the big trip.  This is why I love internet marketing and encourage all you out there to keep pursuing
Ok, so I have been at this internet marketing thing for about three years now and have made a fair bit on and off throughout those years. I am one of those guys who has been here at the university for awhile and has quietly soaked up much of the knowledge without getting too involved in the conversation.  All that has changed now. Today, I am embarking on a journey to give back to the community and the opportunity that has given me so much. I have not yet made enough to quit my day job and