Project Italy...Here We Come

Last Update: June 22, 2010

Ok, my wife has really wanted to go to Italy now for the past several years. Therefore, for our 5th wedding anniversary, I told her that we are going. To pay for this trip, I am launching Project Italy

Here's how it is going to work. 

In addition to the other projects that I have running, I launched a new blog/campaign and all the proceeds from this project are going to pay for the big trip. 

This is why I love internet marketing and encourage all you out there to keep pursuing your dreams. With internet marketing you can build your income as little or big as you want...and when you have a special thing come along like an anniversary trip, you can make it happen by creating a project to pay for it. 

As mentioned before in my previous post, I am still working hard to build freedom from my day job...but sometimes you need to have shorter term goals along the way to keep yourself freshly motivated to continue on. I think a 5th wedding anniversary trip is just the project to add to my arsenal to do this for me. 

Anyway, here is my first update. I launched the project a week ago and have been hard at work getting things up and running. The keyword research, identifying marketing angles, identifying the starving crowd, etc, etc are all done and the "action phase" has been going for several days now. I am happy to report sale 1 occurred tonight. Yeah!

Based on my assumptions, I need about 100 sales to pay for the trip. Here's to 99 more and a trip to Italy. 

Ok, enough about my dream....what is it that you want to do? What is your dream?

I encourage you to make one short term goal if you feel inspired by Project Italy to go along with your longer term goals. Remember, always have the small things to shoot for to keep your motivation on the up and up. 

I can't wait to keep updating everyone on the progress....especially my wife. She's going to be excited when she hears sale one is in the books. Now I had better get back to work. My passport just arrived in the mail today :-)

Here's to your dreams,


P.S. Please leave your comments and tell me one thing you want internet marketing to do for you...I would love to hear!

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mrwilson Premium
I like the idea about promoting Italian culture. While my project does not include this now, I may start another one in the future to do just that.
magistudio Premium Plus
P.S. It was internet marketing that got me there.. :)
magistudio Premium Plus
Excellent goal Rhett, you should consider promoting something related to the Italian culture such as language or food. It would make the goal more appealing.

I've been to Italia and recommend visiting Luca - a small town about 45 minutes away from Pisa. Google it and have a look - very cool place.
jatdebeaune Premium
Very exciting Rhett. Italy is something to aim for. I lived a year in Venice, and loved every minute. I'm learning IM in order to implement some long range ideas for online sites and businesses. Need to soak up as much knowledge as I can. Other very practical plans too, but it's good to pursue goals in smaller increments. I want to travel to the Canadian Rockies and northwest USA.