About Mskathidoll
Joined July 2012
Hello everyone. I am very excited to be apart of WA. I spend soooo much time on my PC
so this should be very good place for me.
My photos are of myself when I was a Florida Correctional Officer... a very proud moment when I graduated from the academy. Not bad for a 40 yr old in 2005!
2nd pic is my guy after we spent the day fishing, yes the biggest one is mine!!!
3rd is my holy terror Precious who is a mini dash hound and tshi tshu mix.
4th is the rest of my brood left to right: Cocoa is a chihuahua, tan one is Melo, a chihuahua and the only boy. Then we have my first pup Trouble, she is a min-pin. Oh yes her name is trouble and she earned it!
I was never blessed with having children so these fur balls are my babies and I am like a mother Grizzly Bear protecting my cubs.
I have been unemployed for 2 months now and starting to loose hope.
I have my love of crafts and doll collecting to keep me out of trouble for now.
My ultimate goal is not to need a job outside my house!
I want to make my PC my source of income. Can any one say HELL YES!!!
Mskathidoll's Accomplishments

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Thanks for the welcome. I plan to learn from all of you, and there's a lot to learn. :-)
jespinola Premium
welcome to WA
mama2karsten Premium
Thanks for the Follow and welcome to WA.
DABK Premium
Welcome to WA.
mskathidoll Premium
We all have something to share or teach to someone. I plan on following as many as allowed. Never know what you could learn!!