Just Caught My First Snapping Turtle.

Last Update: July 22, 2012
We were at our favorite spot on the lake today catching out usual stringer of trout.
Only ended up with six today and I was starting to feel deflated cause we usually get our 10 daily allowed , well 5ea person.
Well I ended up snagging my line for the umpteenth time and gave up and turned it over to my guy. He is of course much stronger than I am and begins reeling in my line and much to our amazement it's a huge darn snapping turtle. Fought us tooth and nail until he was out of the water.
Oh crap what to do now?? Darn thing is hissing and snapping at us. We are both laughing now because of the excitement and oh yes we are keeping him!!
Well how to get it to the car now? It's only a hike through the woods with all of our gear and it's almost dark too. He tries putting a rope on his tail to carry him but it's not long enough and he's way to close to his hand. Thank goodness for the 5gal pale we carry for fish cause thats how we finally get our new trophy home. I'm adding pics of him to my profile. check him out!!
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mama2karsten Premium
Sounds exciting! Did he eat the trout in the bucket on the way home?
mskathidoll Premium
Had to put the trout in a plastic bag this time. Got 10 more today! Freezer is full.
mama2karsten Premium
Wow! that's a lot. I've been fishing.. never caught anything though. Congrats
mskathidoll Premium
Need any pointers just ask. I fish with my boyfriend and he has been fishing for more than 30 years and teaching me now.
jatdebeaune Premium
My grandmother had a huge pond on her property, and snapping turtles used to come up from it on occasion. One of them was huge. It was the size of a sea turtle. They can take your leg off, especially one this large. My father had to shoot it. It was sad. What did you do with your trophy?
mskathidoll Premium
Gonna taxiderm him I think. We have seen much larger too. Makes me nervous when I see kids and dogs swimming. Yikes!!!!
ronamo Premium
I had a snapping turtle when I was younger. I am also known as nine fingers. (:>) Jist kidding.
mskathidoll Premium
Oh I sure did. Fished a little here and there over the years since I was a kid but my better half is an avid hunter and fisherman. I learn quick and I really am having a blast.
He says I'm a natural. Thats all I needed to here and I'm all over it.
Shawn Martin Premium
Sounds lioke you had a blast! Congrats.