The Story of My Success

Last Update: November 23, 2010

The Story of My Success


Well, not yet but you'll see me at the top soon. Just wanted to share a bit and give some of you some hope. 

 I've been wondering how to finance my IM business as well as take care of the monthly fee for WA (which is a complete steal, but still costs some green). So I was thinking two things:

 a) Prostitution

 b) Get someone to help me finance everything

Well, plan A was a bit too much work so I went with B. In the first day, my enthusiasm and detailed planning paid up and I found someone who is investing in my time and effort. Now before you all go out and do that, there is a difference between borrowing money and having someone invest with you. If you do go out and you're sure that you can deliver the goods, then make sure to really make up a good contract and find someone you can trust. Don't go to a loan shark or someone who just popped out of a Martin Scorsese film. Seriously, be smart but think BIG. Some people might call it being foolish, but I don't think there's anything wrong with BIG. ;-)

Now, this scares me a bit, because I'm responsible for someone's money but it just gives me much more drive. I'm not spending money left and right and I'm making sure that I'll be testing markets and campaigns before really using any money.

I was thinking about outsourcing all the work right from the start, but it seems that everyone says it's best to do it on your own the first time round. No problem. I still have a layout for the next 6 months. It's going to be tough and it will take some time, but I'm going to get there and document it all for everyone.

The first phase is getting a site setup around my main KWs, put up pure content based on my niche forum research, no selling. Post articles to other websites, build traffic using these articles and my blog. Setup an opt-in on my blog for an email lesson series (again based on my niche forum research), sell affiliate digital products through my list.

 Phase 2: After a couple of months of tweaking and testing, if my list is BIG and passionate enough, do a survey and find out what my list wants and create a 8 week tele seminar series that I'll JV with someone.

Phase 3:  Take the teleseminar and make a full fledged product out of it.

 Rinse and Repeat.

If Phase 1 is a dud, then no biggie, just go back to the drawing board and QUICK. In fact, I already bought out a few domains with the exact KWs I'll be testing so that I have a fall back plan.

 Yeah, I know. Nothing new, but I know that I can do it. I also know it won't be easy but I'm cool with that. $hit, I know that if I fail, I want to fail fast and learn fast too. So no problem there. In fact I told the person investing with me that there's the possibility and that they have to be ready for it, but that in the long run it will pay off.

Soooo, if you're worried about the mula and how to finance your IM business I have this to say:

 STOP WORRYING! It doesn't help and won't get your juices flowing. You need to really FEEL IT and know that no matter what YOU WILL SUCCEED. If you don't have the money but you're passionate about this, YOU WILL FIND A WAY. No matter what.

If you need a break, take it. I did and it helped major time. There's nothing wrong with taking a time out. But never give up. Just GO FOR IT. Once you start to believe, honestly, you start noticing things and opportunities you never knew existed.


It's possible to spend all your time on the forums and there's a reason for that. Heck, there's so much info there I doubt that I'll be able to get through it all in my lifetime. Just take what you can and take action FAST. The faster you do that, the faster you can get to where you want to be. Seriously, don't be afraid to fail fast. In fact, let's take the word FAIL out of our vocabulary and instead call it FEEDBACK. Feedback is so essential. Once you really let that nugget sink into your mind, you won't be afraid to take action.

One more thing, don't be afraid to ask for help! That's what this community is all about.

 I'm really rooting for all of us here at WA. Here's to our success!

I'll be starting a new forum thread on my progress soon and will share all the details there, just in case you want to learn from my FEEDBACK. ;-)



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robert2704 Premium
Great reading your post michael. Great to see that you're fired up and ready to go. WA can be a trap that keeps us in-house spending all the time learning and not doing. As you say Action, Action, Action. Good to see your letting go and getting out there and started. The best learning is first hand knowledge and knowing what works. All the best!