Time Out
Time Out!
Hey folks,
Not too many of us take a minute to actually sit down and take a look at ourselves from the outside. Sometimes we only realize where we stand when it feels like it's too late to do anything about it (it's never too late by the way).
I'm writing this because I've gotten to one of those crossroads right now where I gotta sort a whole lotta things out before I can get anywhere with WA. I see myself doing a lot already just after signing up a few days ago, but I could be doing so much more if I were focused.
Not complaining about anything, I'm just sharing and kinda letter the rest of you know that there's nothing wrong with taking a time out break for yourself. The more you can figure things out, put things where they belong, and continue, the better your results will be and the happier you will become.
Out of curiousity, how do y'all deal with everything going on in life and the lifestyle you're trying to build or have already built using WA? Any balancing acts you might share?
In anycase, I'm taking a few days off. First stop, STOP SMOKING! :D Wish me luck and I'll see you all soon.
Try to distract yourself with something fun - painting - writing - music, clean everything so the odors are gone and you start fresh. And I agree - don't throw things at yout computer, and open windows before throwing something through them. Good luck.