Posts by NewLife4Rich 3
December 16, 2011
Don't even know where to start, crash, crash, crash, my 5 year old lapto has a broken screen and sometimes all i see is blue screen. Yup, got them old blue screen blues . wrote some articles and can't get them to publish, need more  paragraphs, eeek.  I will succeed, I will triumph, but so tired i must sleep. 
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I have been blessed with a lot of things. Money was not one of them. My goal here is simple and straightforward, to learn which buttons to push and in what order. My  main source of income today is disability and that pays my rent, my phone and covers my basic needs . I am feeling a bit healthier these days and have reactivated my website. I have changed my focus from trying to keep myself working and seek to create jobs for others.          
November 26, 2011
Hi , All you wonderful folk here at WA.  Hope you all had a safe, healthy and Happy Thanksgiving. Have been doing a lot of reading and then trying to take the proper actions. i am glad to report that I have made some progress along with some mistakes, which I am pretty sure  I can fix pretty easily. I want to tip my hat to that Pot Pie Girl. She is amazing ! I was led here by her a while back and  had to leave due to health and money reasons.           &nb