My Brain has turned into soup

Last Update: November 26, 2011

Hi , All you wonderful folk here at WA.  Hope you all had a safe, healthy and Happy Thanksgiving. Have been doing a lot of reading and then trying to take the proper actions. i am glad to report that I have made some progress along with some mistakes, which I am pretty sure  I can fix pretty easily. I want to tip my hat to that Pot Pie Girl. She is amazing ! I was led here by her a while back and  had to leave due to health and money reasons.                                                                                                                                                                                      I have been watching, listening, learning and trying to do "internet stuff" from following Pot Pie Girls gems of wisdom that kept showing up in my inbox.  Thank You Jenifer your tips have been great.  I have watched you grow and you are a role model to me.                                                                                                                                  I  now have websites, blogs and  squidoo pages  and some backlinks, i thinks, lol.  Some where, some how and some time soon I think I will figure out landing pages. Had some kind of malfunction setting up aweber  account. May have something to do with using my keyboard as a pillow which would explain this pain in my neck!  Well Cyber Monday is approaching and there is sooooo much to do.   Good Luck and God Bless. Rich        P.S. watched  half the G+  Wabinar and can't wait to add that to my painting business website. Don't get overwhelmed and let you brain explode, it's very hard to get the stains out of the carpet and remember a trip of a million miles always starts with one step  :D

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meknowsu Premium
Thanks for the advice and sharing your story with us, I am learning so many new things as well and it is so much take in all at once, but I know it will come together some day for me and maybe I can have a success story to share too!
NewLife4Rich Premium
I appreciate your comment. Nice to know that someone has seen stuff that i have written :D
Ty Johnson Premium
PotPieGirl is awesome, every time she gives me advice it's pure gold. I am new here myself but I am really happy to see that others are making progress like I have. If someone had shown me this 5 years ago i would be a Millionaire by now!
NewLife4Rich Premium
I agree
PotPieGirl is a fantastic help and i am trying to follow her advice as much as my brain can handle. I hope to meet you in Vegas some day and laugh about how much better life is as A MILLIONAIRE , oops, maybe i will learn 3 type by then. rich