Life Gets In The Way Sometimes

Last Update: August 31, 2011

I think I am addicted to Internet Marketing and know I spend way too much time reading PDF's, watching videos, attending webinars etc., etc.

Life stopped all that when Chubby got sick. My boys are grown and I haven't had to stay up with a sick child in a long time, until now. He was miserable and in pain. The vet could only do so much and we had to ride it out together.

I don't know if I helped him one iota but it made me feel better to think my useless mumbling and ear scratches were making him feel better.

He is better today. A lot better. He still has to take a ton of pills but the misery seems to be behind him.

While I needed to take some time off from all this IM stuff I wish it could have been under better circumstances.

Sometimes when life gets in the way its a good thing.

I realized while I was sitting up with Chubby hoping he was going to be OK that some  changes needed to be made and that I was spending too much time on IM and not enough on life's other joys.

I'm tired and should probably not be rambling on but it's done and I am heading to bed.

To Our Success!




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