About Nomadkfd
Joined June 2009
I have worked with mainframe computers my entire career stretching all the way back to the late 70's.

The kind of work I do is rapidly becoming extinct.

It is time for a change and I no longer want to work for someone else.

I think that affiliate marketing may allow me to make more money than ever and do it from home.

I am committed to this and have no intention of ever giving it up.

I don't know much but I am willing to share what I do know.

Here I am brushing Chubby, he's the brains behind this new internet business we are trying to create. Right now he and I are studying our behinds off trying to learn to think like an employer and not an employee. Lots of unlearning is needed first.
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Jamie Smith Premium
Welcome to the WA family
Revelation Premium
Appreciate the gold Nomad! Hope something I wrote helped you out or motivated ya!
nomadkfd Premium
Joining WA is possibly the smartest thing I have done to date. I have absolutely no doubt that I will reach my goal of working from home. To stay positive I listen to positive attitude books such as "The Power of Positive Thinking" and "You Can If You Think You Can" by Norman Vincent Peale on my commutes to and from work. Ugh! Some people disagree but I believe you create the life you are living. Today starts my 2nd week.
If anyone notices a profile picture change it is for two reasons: 1. Chubby reminded me we are in this together and 2. I accidentally opened it where it takes up most of your screen and scared myself to death.
To our success. There, I wrote something
Terry Neal Premium
Welcome to WA, don't ever give up, great attitude.I am sure if you stick to WA go through the learning center, follow the 8 week action plan visit the forum and spaces you will succeed with flying colors.
nomadkfd Premium
Thanks for the welcome. You have some excellent information. I am always motivated but I am never sure about what until I discovered IM.
northkedzie Premium
Hi this northkedzie and welcome you at wa.
nomadkfd Premium
Thanks for being the first to welcome me on my post page. Some good news is that the internet only accounts for about a third of the sales overall so there is lots of room to grow. A toast to our success.