About Norlynda
Joined April 2009
I'm a southern girl, 38 years old and a stay-at-home mom. I stopped working full time at a national chain bookstore when I found out I was pregnant 2 years ago. I have always wanted to work at home and now I have a little extra time (although NO money - ha!).

I have been "IMing" for only 6 1/2 months. I started out with Pot Pie Girl's One Week Marketing and am sticking to that formula. I want to pursue article marketing and really like Travis' Bum Marketing Method. I have 4 campaigns out there right now and am working on my 5th.

I'm a huge Carolina Tarheels fan. I love the outdoors, reading historical fiction and I LOVE Indian and Thai cuisine!
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TJ Books Premium
Welcome to WA. Now work hard. Click on my pic to reply. We help each other here. John
Norlynda Premium
Hi, Eusof,
I hate to disappoint you, but I do not come from Asia. I'm not sure where you got that impression except maybe when I said "I have been IMing for only 2 1/2 months.", in my "About me" section. I meant I've been Internet Marketing for only about 2 1/2 months and just used the "IM"ing as an abbreviation.
I'm from the American South.
But, it's still very nice to meet you! Good luck to you in the Internet Marketing world!
MrAlaska Premium
Hi there Welcome to WA! look forward to getting to know ya. Had any sales there?
Norlynda Premium
Hey, there! Thank you for taking the time to welcome me! I really appreciate the kindness. I'm down here in the south where it's starting to heat up for the summer. I'll add you to my buddy list! Talk to you soon, and "cheers" to your success!
Kirst Premium
Hi there
I see you got PPG's book and got that before coming here
awesome - it is THE BEST guide in town.
stick to it and it should work - its working for me
Anyway, welcome to WA
This is AN AWESOME place to be
Hope you are finding your way around
The HELP button on the left in the BLUE menu bar is especially for getting definitions of new lingo
The MY SHARE has some brilliant tutorials so you wont have to go searching around for HELP beyond WA.
Check out the sticky post in the forum in GENERAL MARKETING SECTION, titled New Members FAQs - its the best post and soo hopeful for as you go along. It will answer MANY questions before you have to ask them on the forum
To reply to any space comment, just click the persons picture. (that took me a while to figure out!)
If you get lost in the 8 week program - never mind - we all do! But stick with it!
all the best and have fun
Kirst Premium
thanks for the kind reply!
Dont think my life is any better than yours! The grass is not always greener on the other side!! I really miss Safrica and being close to family, friends and rellies, but on the other hand i wouldnt give up this life and my awesome hubby for anything! Thats why i have to make it online to finance REGULAR trips back home and for them to come here too!
I am so glad to hear you have PPG's book. Thats the best investment together with WA. I keep reading over the convo with nick and get more and more insights. Also if you could opt into TRavis's bummarketing list, he is always giving helpful and practical advice.
It is awesome that you are turning to IM to make your future prosperous! Because this is a long term investment. We just have to be prepared to work HARD for little in the beginning - and really push through some walls - keeping in mind that this will all EXPLODE once we have a good couple of campaigns up and running. Be anxious for nothing.
All the best and keep in touch
p.s - my goals only came up last month when i realised more realistically what i could do with article marketing!
pps - this dolphin pic was taken at a facility just down the road from our home. I teach english there, so get a few free swims with the dolphins. IT is THE MOST awesome experience (second to horse riding which i LOVE!)
Norlynda Premium
Kirst, thank you so much for your warm welcom. I did, indeed, purchase PPGs book and, yes, it seems to be working well. Still, of course, there's A LOT more for me to learn.

What an interesting life you have! I'm just a southern American married to another southern American living in southern America! Ha! Anyway, I love that picture with the dolphin!

I also love and respect your goals. I am a housemom, too. And I, too, want to eventually make a decent living of my own via IM.

Thank you, again, for your welcome!
Curtisnh Premium
Welcome to WA. Curtis
Norlynda Premium
Thank you, Curtis, for your welcome. I wish you great success in your endeavors with IM!