Blog to All in Response to My *&%$% Blog

Last Update: April 12, 2010

Some of you didn't like my blog this morning.  You took it as bashing.   So to anyone who thinks I'm bashing a newbie, hell no.  I am a newbie myself - I've only been here a couple of months. I wouldn't bash anyone on a first or last lens or article because mine are far from perfect.  FAR.

If anything folks, I'm loyal to all that work hard to make a living - whether in internet marketing or otherwise.

So... I will offer a deeper explanation....

It was obvious to me that the person was trying to make a quick buck without thinking about quality....after looking further.... I discovered that the articles were  plagiarized, spun, respun, and the content had been copy/pasted into a lens.  Plus I found the original article... and it was quite good.

What the person did was steal content and put a slang-type spin on the intro to make it his/her own and then he/she re-spun the hell out of it and NEVER checked it.  It was LOADED with misspellings and grammatical errors.  I don't mean innocent newbie mistakes or things that we all do when we're talking (writing) like we speak.  No.  This was a blast-out of content that was not his/hers - and I'm wondering now if the whole thing was outsourced and nobody checked the work.  Not to mention the ridiculous comment at the end that was added by the plagiarizer... "not sure if I would even spend the money on this but maybe you would".  


Again, we are all trying to succeed... And if any one of my fellow IMers, WA or not, had his/her content stolen, I would feel just as bad as I would if it were my own.. because someone  has stolen my content recently and it sux.

No newbie or veteran bashing from me, ever.  I am venting about someone who is trying to beat the system by taking advantage of your hard work...or mine.

 Take it for what it was meant to be... a warning to all who work hard to make a buck... there are vulchers out there.

That's all folks....



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Not2Late Premium
thanks everyone. :) and the speck of dust thing is true and hilarious.

onward and upward.. !
sox1n05 Premium
You know what's crazy Kathy is that you didn't even need to explain yourself. A lot of us had this happen to us at some point and it just flat out sucks. What makes it ok for us to work hard and others not? That's what bothers me. You're right on - don't sweat it!
Dargent Premium
Misunderstood or not you have a point...There are a lot of lazy IMers out there who could care less about quality and content. So they end up putting out a polished turd that isn't even worthy of the whole polished compliment. As you get skilled in this biz stuff like that becomes irrelevant because creating great content and the giving of value TRUMPS ALL. And crappy turds like that won't even hold your attention for a minute cause you'll have more success than they could ever dream of. This is just the truth. It can seem like a big deal in the moment and you seem to understand that (which is great) but it's as they say "a speck of dust directly in the eye can seem really big until you realize it's just a speck of dust." I don't think anyone actually says that actually, because I just made it up.
Not2Late Premium
Thanks Joan... perhaps I overreacted but I had spent a very long day writing and perfecting... I'm trying to lighten up and not be so anal about things b/c it wastes time. However, I agree with all that you have said below - 100%. Thanks for understanding. I just want to do quality stuff.

Oh and by the way... I thought I'd try outsourcing and see what kind of quality came back. I got scammed. It only cost a few bucks but I never got anything back for it. Live and learn.
jatdebeaune Premium
Kathy, I saw the comment you are responding to in your other blog. He misunderstood you and I'm glad you told the story in more detail. The thing is, when people don't uphold a reasonable standard, everybody loses credibility. Especially when you're not meeting your customer face to face. He has no other way to determine if he can trust you or not, like looking into the whites of your eyes. So yes, the sloppy writer does affect all of us. Your blog was about the writer's lack of respect for his craft. That pisses me off too. No one's judging if he is the Proust of IM or not. If one doesn't write using reasonably good grammar, then maybe one is in the wrong business. I'm sure you have had people say to you "I'd never buy anything on the Internet because it's full of scams". Or "my credit card was stolen today, and AMEX had to issue me a new card. I'm not buying anything over the Net ever again". The guy who cuts my grass told me that this morning. And this doesn't affect you and me and everybody else here? Your anger, even without the above explanation is completely justified. Plagiarism doesn't cut it either. That's why, good or bad or in between, I write my own articles. Kathy, righteous indignation.