Happy Dance #2 - ALL My Articles are on the FIRST page of Google!

Last Update: March 24, 2010

So I was whining last week about being paralyzed and unable to crank out multiple articles.  And I forced myself to work around my ADD tendencies.  (For any of you who have a confirmed diagnosis of adult ADD, like I do, you will understand precisely what I mean.)

 I started a new campaign and followed EOS and my WA training to the absolute letter.  I really dug way down and grabbed amazing keywords... all of them within the proper boundaries..yadda yadda..  I cranked out my articles...( pretty good ones if I say so myself).  Submitted them to ArticlesBase yesterday and low and behold, every single article, EVERY SINGLE one is in NUMBER 1, 2, or 3 position on the first page. 

The BEST PART is that in positions 1-3, two of those positions belong to ME for every one of my keywords.  

Am I making any sense? 

All I know is that it's time to rinse and repeat and continue to learn, continue to follow the WA steps and keep the snowball rolling.

I am a happy, happy, girl.


Evolution of a Sale - My Lucky Charm

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lovin_life67 Premium
Right on girl!
Not2Late Premium
you are an angel Joan!
jatdebeaune Premium
You're both perfect. Congratulations Kathy. Forever onward!
Not2Late Premium
Jeezum Pete... if all of that is you, you're as big a mess as I am.

Slugger_mn Premium
Hey! That is really cool(: Great Job! Keep up the great work! haha (Yes A.D.D. Sucks.. A.D.H.D blows.. And Dyslexia isn't very fun either.. huh.. haha oh well:)