About Nstigator
Joined May 2008
I have been into self growth my whole life and this forum looks like home. I also invented/discovered and market a form of vibrational medicine. I am interested in any suggestions to help make my Natural Pain/condition relieving products more widely available and well known if you have any ideas that I find new and interesting I will send you a 6 months supply of my main product Free Crystalsynergy.
Check out my website at actherapies.com
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nstigator Premium
Hello I would to share info and wisdom about internet marketing or anything interesting
Maverick Wil Premium
Hi nstigator... I took a look at your website at actherapies.com and would like to make a few constructive comments. It's not a professional view just my personal view.

First thing, you absolutely must get better looking product shots especially when you sell online because as a consumer, an image is the only thing that we can refer to other than text to help us imagine what the product will be like. As they say, a picture is worth a thousand words. It's up to you to use the product shots to manipulate the feelings a consumer associates with the product.

If you are on a limited budget, for a start I suggest you look for anybody who is just venturing into dSLR photography. Everyone is trying their hand at it nowadays. Your niece, cousin, friend, etc. It could be anyone who just wants to mess around with their new camera. Pay them a token if you want to encourage them to do a better job. I just got my first dSLR 2 months back and I can take pretty decent product shots already. (I wouldn't mind doing yours for free but I'm in Malaysia...where are you?)

Secondly, the website doesn't cut it for me. The flashing text reminds me of an infomercial product. I think your goods have much much better potential than that so long as you project the right image. Go to the Member Forums, go under the "$500 Challenge" thread and find the topic "Websites and Landing Pages So Easy a 10 Year Old Can Do It " which is a stickie. MRomeo99 did a great post there which gets a great looking website up effortlessly.

Right I hope that helps. All the best. ;)