It's Been a Pleasure I'll Never Forget

Last Update: January 22, 2011

I'm bad about writing long posts and will do my best to keep this one short.


I've worked with people the majority of my adult life.  I don't claim to be the most knowledgeable person on any fact or topic.  It has always been a pleasure of mine to offer people suggestions or share some of the knowledge I have gained through life with them.  It's one of the most simplest things in life that I feel we don't do enough of.  Share the wisdom you've gained with others.  Not at any cost.  A simple friendship pays the bill better than any currency could.

What I do forget from time to time is the sarcastic side to my personality, my sense of humor.  That many times offering some tips I assume the person I'm relating to knows exactly where I'm coming from.  Which is not always the case.  Such is the story more often than not at a place like WA where new members joining the site are literally,  Fresh off the tree.

It has been brought to my attention that I have offended members here which has never been my intention.  Especially with those just starting.  WA is a place full of friendship and enthusiasm.  I do not wish to become a road block for the motivation of anyone who chooses to become a member of  this website in any way, shape or form.

To those that I did offend, you have my deepest and most sincere apologies.  I am grateful to everyone here at WA and the friendships I gained being a member.

God Bless All of You,



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morlandroger Premium
Stick in there Jack. Do not always agree with some of what you say but that is a cultural/political thing. Your input to WA is very much appreciated from my point of view.
Old Mizer Premium
Thank You. To all of you for your kind words and warm thoughts. It is members like yourselves that make this community the great place that it is.
Malablues Premium
I don’t know you from Jack, but I have found you to be a sincere and honest person… a true gentleman. You provide a perspective that I often found valuable. You’ve kept me grounded while also providing motivation to press on and succeed. I believe you to be a man of faith who honors his neighbors, so much so that it has brought you to this point. Anyone reading your post can see that it was a misunderstanding and that your heart, as always, was in the right place. Stay.
jatdebeaune Premium
Stay with us Matt. This is one member who appreciates the many contributions you have made to this community. What you refer to as sarcastic, I see as passion.
Don't let this stop you from helping people. maybe you can add more emoticons in your post and also add hahas and hehes as well as some *just kidding* and other things to let them know your intentions.

After all conveying emotion in a post (with no voice and facial expression) is much more difficult than when you talk over a phone or face to face.

Good luck with figuring this stuff out,