What Is Success?

Last Update: November 09, 2010

You would get a different answer from every person you asked.  As individuals we are all unique from each other.  I'm sure the answer would have a lot to do with which generation you are associated with in this lifetime.

I'm sure I am older than many members on this site.  So the Father that was a big part of my life is only a memory now.  One thing I remember most is the line posted in my signature of the Forum.  He told me that on a constant basis.

Reminding me that an over inflated ego can obsess you and trap you like you are in the middle of a big balloon.  That looks like a soap bubble.  Full of mirrors where the only person who can see you, .....is you.

One of the other things he talked to me about one time was his definition of what success is.  He told me that many people are raised to believe success is a destination they will reach some day.  If they do all the right things in the right order.

Reminding me that is why so many get frustrated and feel they aren't making any progress in their life.  I remember him telling me that day we talked that success is not a destination.  Success is not something you will reach somewhere down the road in life.

Success is something that happens on a daily basis.  The fireworks may not be going off but you achieve success everyday in some way.

Here's to your success....

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Kathy389 Premium
It's amazing how smart our fathers were and how some of their convictions how gotten us through our lives.
jatdebeaune Premium
I love your post Matt. Very true and well put.
WRI Premium
"Success is something that happens on a daily basis. The fireworks may not be going off but you achieve success everyday in some way."

Well said Matt! Thanks to you and your father...My motivation for the day.
Old Mizer Premium
Thanks andy. It's surprising how talks you remember having back then can keep you going today.
andys43us Premium
great post Matt. Thanks! here is some gold.