About Olga Hermans
Joined January 2009
Hi there! I am Olga Hermans; I live with my awesome husband in Vancouver Canada. We have 1 daughter and 1 son also living in Vancouver. Originally we are from The Netherlands. We came to Canada in Sept. 2004. I had my own post construction cleaning business which I stopped last September. I am looking for a replacement of that income with affiliate marketing. Looking forward to meet all of you and to make 2009 the best year ever!
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dandk Premium
Hello From Japan,

Welcome to W.A. and this is a place for all levels of online Marketers. Newbies no need to panic any more!

Few things to help you
1.Do feel pressured or be in a hurry.

2.Take it one day at a time.

3.Use the forum and ask questions if you need help.

4.Go through the 8 week action plan and take your time and apply what you learn

5.Remember: This is a real business, do not try to make the quick cah Mentality and then Quit when it does not seem to work out.

6. Remember: People have to work the programs, people have to work their business.

7.You Can Make It Happen.

8.Stop program hopping.

9.Smile it will work out for you.


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David & Katsue
learn2earn Premium
Good to have to with us, Olga. Get to know Travis and PotPieGirl...they're great resources. Good luck...take it slow there's a wealth of info to digest.

MGTC Premium
dominodivine Premium
Welcome To WA
snovosad Premium
Hi Olga, looks like we joined about the same time. I saw your post on Tulsa Toolmaker and I was letting him know I live there and saw your post. Great place and luckily have not been hit by the recession as much as rest of country. How are you doing in this? My biggest problem is I am trying to go to many directions at once and need to do one thing at a time. Let me know if any questions and best regards to you
Olga Hermans Premium
Hey! We lived in Tulsa on Wheeling; right across from ORU. We went to VBI with pastor Billy Joe Daugherty! The best time of my life. If you ever are looking for a church; that would be the church to go. Be blessed in all your endeavors and let's stay in touch!!