Contradicting Training Tutorials

Last Update: December 18, 2010

Hey all I am creating this post after running into a contradiction I found in a couple of training tutorials. Though I think I already know the answer to my own question, I still want to be 100% sure and also thought other newbies would benefit from this as well. So I was reading a tutorial that covered the creation and submission of articles for a niche. In this tutorial it was said that a single article should be submitted to multiple directories which is not what was told in the step by step guide. We are taught to keep it original or the directories will deny your posting. So anyone with a little experience who would like to share their thoughts please do. I would hate to be missing out on exposure, and would also hate to be marked as a spammer. Any advice is appreciated by me, and I am sure others who read this will thank you as well :)

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Labman_1 Premium
James is right on regarding the differences between Ranking and Backlinking. As a rule, I follow Jay's remarks. I like to make sure that if I resubmit an article that it is at least 70% unique content. You can focus on the same topic and reword the main parts fairly quickly. Swap sentences around and reword them so that they fit together in their new orientations. That sort of thing. It doesn't take quite as long as a new article but gives you unique content for other submission sites. I always submit to Ezine first and then add spun content after the first one is approved.
James Doro Premium
Here is what I just read in an SEO tutorial here at WA. What you are referring to is duplicate content ie submitting the same article, without changing it, to each article directory. There is nothing wrong with that, but you have to do it a certain way. Here is what I mean.

If you submit a duplicate article to both Ezine and GoArticles Google will only RANK ONE of those articles NOT BOTH. So if you are article marketing and want to see your articles in the search engines than duplicate content to various directories is no good.

Now if you want to build backlinks to your webpage or website than submitting duplicate content to thousands of directories is just fine. You don't care about these articles ranking you simply are creating them and posting them for backlinks so the duplicate content rules doesn't hurt you if they are not showing up in results in Google.

So in short duplicate content NO GOOD IF you want these to rank and drive traffic to your page, but are GOOD if you are solely using them to BUILD BACKLINKS and NOT intending to rank them and get viewers.

Hope that helps. Let me know if you have any other questions :)
RPGtutor Premium
I use unique articles for my sites/blogs and the major articles directories like EzineArticles, ArticlesBase, GoArticles, HubPages, etc. because i want to hit both: good google rankings and backlinks.

For the rest of the directories i use a very well spun version of another article. Note that I submit to these "not so popular" articles directories just for backlinks.
magistudio Premium Plus
Hey buddy - although it's possible to submit the same article to multiple directories, I'd go with submitting unique articles to each directory.