Posts by Phildeeze 19
July 20, 2011
Hey everyone it has been a while since my last post and I must admit when my sites began to make sales I got a bit lazy and was enjoying the profits without putting in work. I now find myself with a bit of a problem. All of the sites I have built are still in the top rankings for my keywords but I have a big problem with amazon. I am a California resident and due to new tax laws Amazon will no longer allow me to promote their products. My Question is does anyone see an alternative to this. I can
First off I want to welcome all of the new recruits to the Wealthy Affiliate community. It is great that you have taken the leap into the Internet marketing scene. You will find this place to be packed with information and helpful people. All the tools you need are here so all you need to do is implement what you learn. I myself have only been here a couple months, yet I have learned a lifetime worth of money making skills. My reasoning for writing this today was because this morning I got a gre
February 14, 2011
I have found a new source of motivation for myself, and I believe it would do the same for others. I set up a yahoo messenger account the other day with the sole purpose of helping out a fellow WA member. Little did I know that it would end up being more help to me than him. Just working with another Internet Marketer has given me a huge boost in motivation and I would recommend it to anyone looking for another tool for their toolbox. I know you can get any of your questions answered here at WA,
February 10, 2011
After the amount of response my blog post received yesterday I decided I had to do A follow up. I just wanted to share the little bits of information I was able to get from google about their new policy and how it will affect us affiliates. I hope I didn't get any of the newer recruits worried in any way because WA doesn't just teach you affiliate marketing but they teach you to be diverse in your strategies and try new things until something starts to work. Google has changed their algorithm ma
February 09, 2011
Yesterday I posted about my site being suspended from google adwords. I had emailed them to try to get a clear answer why so I could resolve the issue.They did respond to me today, but they reviewed the wrong site this time so I still don't have an answer. I was shocked when they reviewed my page which is for my WA promotion and told me it was in violation because I was linking to WA. They stated in the email that WA was in violation of their policy and was merely a get rich quick site. Have the
I was notified today that my new site has been suspended from google adwords. From what I was told my site does not comply with their policy and to change it and resubmit. But they expect me to go through the hundreds of pages of policy and figure out what I have done wrong. I have begun this grueling process but can hardly understand their policies in the first place. I would love for people to check out my site and let me know if they see something that is over advertising or wrong in some way
1 comment
February 04, 2011
I recently began my second campaign and noticed that when I purchased my domain name that someone had already purchased the .com version. Which is great a little competition will keep it interesting! I kept dropping by on occasion to check the sites progress and found that nothing was being done. All that was there was a wordpress theme with no content but the default hello world post. Anyways I stop back by today to find a fully built website but something was off. As I read through the page it
February 01, 2011
As most of you know I am fairly new to this venture of IM. Close to two months ago I began my first campaign in a niche that I had personal experience with. My web page has done better than I could have ever expected. Just yesterday I made my second sale which I must say was as good a feeling as the first. Now two sales is not the reason I think I got lucky, because honestly two sales is not very much but its a start. I feel I got lucky because my site now
I open my account today and find that my first sale has been made. I feel like a king and feel this is the beginning to a great thing. I hope everyone is given the opportunity to feel as I do and wish you all the best of luck.
January 07, 2011
Just one month into my campaign and I am already ranked #1 on page 1 for Google. I am shocked at the progress of my page and gain more and more confidence each day. I truly hope some of the newer recruits here at WA can find inspiration in what I say. For those of you who are still skeptical about the techniques taught here well I am living proof that this stuff really works. Still have yet to see any sales from my page but with a little work I am sure I can begin to convert visitors into custom