Motivation For The New Recruits

Last Update: March 03, 2011

First off I want to welcome all of the new recruits to the Wealthy Affiliate community. It is great that you have taken the leap into the Internet marketing scene. You will find this place to be packed with information and helpful people. All the tools you need are here so all you need to do is implement what you learn.

I myself have only been here a couple months, yet I have learned a lifetime worth of money making skills. My reasoning for writing this today was because this morning I got a great surprise. As I was running through my stats and checking on my pages I realized that I had made another sale! has now made me $60 in a month. This might seem petty but I never expected a lot sales from this site it was more of a practice run. Plus it hasn't been online long yet it already does great in the rankings for many keywords. 

I just want the newbies to  know this stuff works. With a little hard work and motivation you too can meet your goals and begin creating your online business.

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jatdebeaune Premium
I think you've made great progress. Keep at it. You should feel very proud.
edrika1 Premium
Congrats! Phildeeze! I have learned a lot from you and many others. I hope your sales come pouring in so fast you cant keep up!!! God Bless!
mrjiggyfly Premium
Way to go phildeeze! Good that you made the sale and good that you're trying to keep morale up. I've had some struggles. I picked too broad of a niche I think and can't really see how I can make a decent campaign. So beginning on Sunday, I'm back to rework niche selection in the getting started action plan.
muskyblood Premium
Hey Phil, I am not a newb here but I think your site looks great! Keep up they awesome work man! And what a rewarding thing it is to be able to help others, and make money at the same time. Good luck!
dustyred47 Premium
Thanks ,
I needed to hear that, I too am new here to WA just one day so far!
I am feeling just a little overwhelmed at this point, how ever I am determined to get it right somehow...I joined as a super affiliate
to promote this WA as I know a couple of friends who would benefit from this site>>> what I need to know is can I advertise
in places like craigslist or other places such as community
billboards and such ?? I am looking to see if this is allowed,but so far can see nothing !! any help would be apreciated.
And just wanted to say good for you and good luck !!