Improving Everyday

Last Update: December 26, 2010

I am both shocked and thrilled at the performance of my niche site. I have not made any sales yet I still feel a load of success. Just a few days ago I made a post because I was thrilled to announce that my page had made page 2 of google in just 2 weeks. The next day I checked again and it had moved from the 3rd spot to the first on page 2. Anyways I haven't been able to do any promotion the past few days being Christmas and all, but I jumped back in today with a load of confidence. This confidence was boosted again when I searched my keyword this morning and found I had made it to page #1. This is the best Christmas gift I got by far :). It is only the 10th spot but its page #1 which was the goal I had set for next month. To see visitors coming to my page and people leaving comments on my posts letting me know what I have done for them is helpful makes it all worth it regardless if I make a sale. Anyways before I keep rambling on I have set a new goal for jan. and that is my first sale! Fingers crossed.

Anyone with tips to turn my visitors into buyers would be appreciated, and any newbies who just want to see this system works stop by and see with your own eyes. Wealthy Affiliate is the real deal!

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Alex Copeland Premium
Just wanted to say congrats and well done on this. Plus having the knowledge will always show through your posts and articles. Keep it up!