Web Page Needs Critics

Last Update: December 06, 2010

Hi everyone if you have not spoke with me before I am Phillip Goehring and I am an Internet marketing newbie. Before I signed up here at WA I had already built a web page. I have since updated my site and wish for some input. I want you to keep in mind that this site is not targeted to a specific niche so I'm really just looking for input on how the site is set up. Any input will be appreciated I am hoping to better my skills before I begin my niche site and begin to devote my time to another page. Thanks all!


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klrrider Premium
Like your site... Nice clean look and doesn't drive your visitor away. I would suggest making sure you are FTC compliant as soon as you can with an Affiliate Disclosure, Terms of Use and a Privacy pages. Place the links to them in your footer and keep them out of your menu buttons.

Great Job!
kimgelo Premium
Hi and welcome to WA! For a newbie, I must say your site is quite good...simple but very precise and straight to the point. You're off to a good start, well done! Just work on your backlinks and you're really good to go! Best of luck!
phildeeze Premium
Ha Ha sorry about that!
Labman_1 Premium
And the URL is?