Which Opt-In Plugin For Wordpress Do You Prefer?

Last Update: December 21, 2010

Hello everyone and thanks for stopping by! Just in case you have not been following my last few post, I have recently built a new web page (http://www.opiatewithdrawalremedies.com) and I am in the process of making some small changes to increase its potential. My next move I would like to make is adding an opt-in list for my visitors. I am still working on creating some content to offer the viewers that do decide to sign up, but that is not where I am stuck. I wanted to get the opinion of some of my fellow WA'ers as to which wordpress plugin is preferred. With all the plugins available with wordpress it would be pretty time consuming to browse through them all, and they never offer much of an explanation as to how they work. I do not need all the bells and whistles, just a simple opt-in link for my visitors to think about. As always I thank you for any information you share, and also appreciate you stopping by my blog. You all have made WA the true one stop shop for affiliate marketing and for that I am thankful!

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DABK Premium
Check Maureen's Blog. She's got 2 entries about plugins, wordpress set up:https://my.wealthyaffiliate.com/index.php/wa_spaces_profile/index/pid/31797
ThomasPaul Premium
It just popped in my head as well. What I've done before is just placed my Aweber autoresponder code in a widget text box and put that on one of my sidebars. Then the webform I created with aweber is just displayed. That's a simple way to get an opt in box onto your wordpress site. Just go to you dashboard, then:

appearance->widgets->should be a box that says "text" under available widgets. Drag it to one of your sidebars. Then place your autoresponder code inside the text box. Then the webform will display.
ThomasPaul Premium
Hey phildeeze, posted a link to Digi Link Builder in the recommended products forum. You can find the post here:


It's a paid one, but you can do some cool things like have an optin form that stays on the bottom of your screen when a visitor scrolls down, have a lightbox and other things.

I'm not sure if there is a free one that does the same thing or not.

Have a great day,

Labman_1 Premium
I install All-in-one SEO and Google Analytics on my sites. Then for an opt in Aweber.