Posts by PotPieGirl 30
I live in the State of Georgia in the USA - and apparently, the powers that be have passed an "Amazon Tax" law that would require Amazon (and other online retailers) to collect sales tax on sales that start with my Georgia-based affiliate link and lead to a sale by a Georgia consumer.This whole Nexus Tax stuff is confusing... and a mess... and the State of Georgia's "solution" is horribly flawed.I just posted a long and detailed post on my blog about this situation explaining what this Nexus
I was reading the blog of a fellow WA member (Sundcarrie) today. She had 2 back-to-back posts... one where she was ready to quit all this (ok, was more frustrated than REALLY wanting to quit) and then a follow-up post where it was a new day with a renewed sense of determination.The reason behind these posts? She was feeling pressure from her hubby to "go get a real job".I was about to post a long-winded comment on her post, but decided to blog about it here.Why?Been there. Done that.Before I
In light of all the Google whackiness of late, I've been busy reading all I can, pouring over case studies, and watching webinars by just about anyone who offers info on the topic.Even if I get one little blip of information, it is good enough to drop in my Knowledge Bucket, which, in turn, makes me better able to help others (and help myself).But something funny has been happening - let me share one example with you.I was watching this webinar by someone who had done a very good blog post
May 03, 2012
We've got Pandas...and we've got Penguins.... and what's next?  I dunno, I guess a Zebra.  Google sure has this whole "back and white" thing going on. Funny too, because it's only "black and white" to Google  ;)   So what's the difference between a Panda and a Penguin (in the Google world)   Panda is purely a quality type thing.  It's all about what's ON your site, how it is presented, and the quality of th
April 15, 2012
---------------------- Disclaimer: what I am about to post in a moment was NOT written by me. I tripped across it in another forum. The post really spoke to me so I printed it out so I can see it regularly. I think it's something we ALL need to keep in the spotlight as we work to build our own online business. I found this post here. ------------------------ There are a lot of posts lately about "how can I make more money" or "How can I make $1000 with just $100"
---- Wow, Google sure has been on a tear lately, haven't they? Blog networks deindexed, Panda slaps, "love notes" sent to webmasters via Google Webmaster tools, rankings tanking..... and on and on. So, what's going on? What are some things you need to know? First off, R-E-L-A-X, ok? I know it FEELS as if Google is our boss, or the law, or whatever when you work online, but they're not. Let's talk about some of the things going on lately. About all the blog
--------------- In a recent thread here in the WA forum, members were talking about what they liked/didn't like about the new dashboard here inside WA. Personally, I really like the new platform/layout/dashboard. I'm also a big fan of white space and things feeling less "noisy" so I can see what I want to see...find what I want to find...and be kept updated on things I want/need to know. The new WA does that for me. There is one thing tho that I really miss. Since I'
April 05, 2012
Ever wonder WHAT to focus on? Here is a really simply picture to help you remember what to focus on. This picture came across my Twitter stream from my account manager at Clickbank (Andrew). This is drawn on his whiteboard to help him remember what really needs his attention and it's very much like my own way of picking what to work on. How do YOU decide what to focus on?   EDIT TO ADD:   Based on the great questions and conversation in the comments area, I hav
November 27, 2011
  To everyone that is new here to Wealthy Affiliate - WELCOME!!!!! I joined well over 3 years ago and it was the best decision I ever made for my online business.  I have little doubt that you will come to feel that way too. Every single time someone new walks through the doors of WA, I get SO excited for them.  Think about it - how exciting is it to be taking this first step to putting your life and future into your OWN hands and molding it the way YOU want it to be?!?!?! NO ONE
April 14, 2011
Yes!  A baby for PotPieGirl!  Baby Luke made his grand appearance on April 2nd at a little over noon local time.   Ok - he's not MY baby....he's my grandson.  My son and his wife are the proud parents.  I'm just the doting grandma (or the kids call me).   My 19 year-old daughter and I were both in the delivery room along with my son and the other grandma.  It was QUITE an experience.  A very, very special moment in deed.   You see (not to ge