New Dashboard Suggestion - Thoughts?
In a recent thread here in the WA forum, members were talking about what they liked/didn't like about the new dashboard here inside WA.
Personally, I really like the new platform/layout/dashboard. I'm also a big fan of white space and things feeling less "noisy" so I can see what I want to see...find what I want to find...and be kept updated on things I want/need to know. The new WA does that for me.
There is one thing tho that I really miss. Since I've heard other WA members mention the same thing, I tried to think of a solution.
What I Miss
I really miss the "recent forum activity" list that used to show when we first logged in. So after brainstorming a little bit (and pretending I know how to actually make it happen...haha), I came up with an idea and submitted it to K&C via the 'report a bug' tab (you can also submit feedback and suggestions there).
I'd LOVE it if there was one more blue tab in the middle with our global/personal feeds and notifications that said "Recent Forum Activity".
Like this:
Then, when we click that 'recent forum activity' button, we'd get a 'feed' of new threads and recently posted comments to threads in the forum.
Disclaimer: I have NO CLUE if this can actually be done - just an idea I had.
So, what do y'all think? Would you like something like this or are there only a few of us that miss the forum activity info on our main dashboard.
Kyle and Carson - if this can not be done, please accept my apologies.