The ONLY Reason For Having It...

Last Update: December 07, 2009


"You cannot give to anybody in this world what you do not have. And therefore you must concentrate on getting.

You must become the most beautiful, sensitive, wondrous, magical, unique, fantastic person in the world to be able to have all of these things in order to give them away and share them.

Think about it.

If I don’t have wisdom I can only teach you my ignorance.

If I don’t have joy I can only teach you despair.

If I don’t have freedom I can only put you in cages.

But everything that I have I can give away.

That’s the only reason for having it. But I’ve got to have it first. And so I dedicate myself to becoming the best ME the world has ever known. “

-Leo Buscaglia

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Louise M. Premium
That's a beautiful text ! And so true, and so inspiring.
I completely, absolutely agree with this.
Thank you for posting this.

And thanks idm for the inspiring comment you made up :)
idm Premium
Open hands can give or receive but will always be full. I just made that up, kinda inspiring! :)