About Prosperityconsciousness
Joined May 2008
Having been a business owner and an entrepreneur most of my life I am taking advice of my Mastermind group and is starting in affiliate marketing. I have been focused on personal development all of my life and that has given me great tools in my tool pouch. So I am applying them as well as all I learn here to generate more success!

Life is a continuous learning process. Let help each other to grow our wealth and teach others to do the same

I wanted to add that I notice many people tend to take the what I call "victim mentality" here in the forum as they are starting out. I invite you to recognize that what you think and what you believe is what you will manifest.

Achieving success is any area whether it be IM or a hamburger flipper you influence and direct that success by all your choices. Spend time getting clear about what you want from your IM business and sometimes that means having to get clear about YOU want from life. CLARITY is essential in everything and that I have discovered is one of my passions and talents in life. To help people find that clarity.

So one of my questions for you is......have you invested as much money in learning YOU as you have invested in learning IM?

Much Success!
Prosperityconsciousness's Accomplishments

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RedRose Premium
Hi, This is my first try at having my own business. I'm new to WA and it looks like there is so much great information. I've never had a mastermind group. How do you like your's? Would you be interested in being buddies?
alexarw Premium
Hi, You are right on target with know your self and I know you will have success in IM.
I find IM to be Internet Madness,but it is a lot of fun. The only problem I have is keeping focused!
And that too shall pass with a little help.
Constantine Premium
Hello, thanks for such a lovely profile. i might say i know exactly what you mean in it. i did spend a lot of time getting clear on what i wanna do in life. and i must say it sometimes feels as if the whole world propels you to do that one thing which you're clear abt... Developing, what i call 'success intelligence' is definitely worth your while if you wanna do things the fun and easy way. unfortunately most people lack this simple wisdom that's why they learn the hard way. i think the main purpose of WA is not even to help people earn money but educate them how to be successful and then share that success with others... don't you think.
Constantine Premium
thanks for the great piece of advice. I'm gonna make it happen. all the best, cnstnt.
Thanks for the contact. You are a great writer! You will find that as you play with things on line you will be drawn to what is best for you to specialize. Learn the principles and play around in the forums so that you have practice with things that are not your business. You will find for example getting down squidoo with something that is fun and you love will make it easier when it matters to do it ina time line and well for a product you want to sell.

Keep in touch!
avir4web Premium
Hello prosperity. I'm also new with WA. May I ask if your goal is to IM your own product or pick up new ideas from WA?
avir4web Premium
Hello Prosperity, thank you for your response. I'm also planning on promoting other products and will eventually develop my own. I want to get a little run rate going with a few affiliate programs while I finish mine. I've seen some very lucrative launches with properly developed campaigns. My goal today is to write 3 articles. Sounds exciting huh?!? Have a great day!
Thanks for the contact. I am looking to do both, I am creating my own product now and I want to develop some mini sites for affiliate marketing. What about yourself?
You came to the right place. I WISH YOU WEALTH AND SUCCESS.

Poetic Teddy Bear
Thank you Tom for your message in my space, the wishes are returned tenfold. :))