Posts by R-L-Atch 4
Greetings WA members… August 1st will be my 1 year anniversary at WA and I have made the decision not to continue my membership. I have thoroughly enjoyed the friends I have met here and I sincerely thank those who have mentored me along my IM journey. This year has been a whirlwind for me… I have had some serious health issues in the beginning of the year to contend with along with losing 2 family members which put my IM efforts on hold. In addition, I have been working on other projects s
I sincerely recommend that you check out “magistudios – Jay’s” blog and frequently review it! He is offering FREE weekly training. I just attended and it was awesome!   So if you are new or even advanced, I suggest that you take the time to check his blog each week to get in on the next session(s)… Once again – it’s totally free! Here’s the link to his blog:   Thanks
Today (June 1st) is my birthday...   Happy Birthday to me... Happy Birthday to me... lol Happy Birthday in advance to all members who have a birthday in June! Cheers! Rob
December 17, 2009
My wife and I will be leaving tomorrow morning for 3 weeks to visit her family in Bogotá Colombia. This is always a fun filled eventful trip for us and we are looking forward to the adventures that await us. However, we still have tons to do... things to pack... and stuff to buy... A hectic day indeed—but all in good spirit!   Most likely, I will be spending a limited amount of time on here throughout the holidays, as I’m sure will be true for many of you. So...   I just wanted t