Un-burned out again...

Last Update: May 02, 2010

Just came of a serious burn out.  I've had more than a few lil' burns but this one was a lil' different.   I'm sure there are a lot of peeps here that can identify.  You know the routine.  Immerse yourself into this as hard as you can, until inevitably you crash and burn.  Especially someone like me that started out with not a one inkling as to how IM all this works.  Not to mention not to technical with the computer skills either.

Well anyway I was at the end, and it was like a major undertaking to bring myself to do anything with what I had going on.  I get on my computer, do a lil' research, read emails, etc., but could NOT put anything into action.  So I took a break and did some organizing, bookmarks, files, email subscriptions and stuff like that.Cleaned up my act so to speak, It was getting out of hand as I am not what you would call the most organized person around, not even close. So it needed to be done and it was a good distraction for me.

 Here's the thing that really got me out of my funk tho.  It was another night that I couldn't quite get it in gear.  Just as a whim I decided to google my main Blog site just for the hell of it.  On the regular search it turns out that it's on page 3 like 3 positions down.  I know its on page 3, it might as well be on page 100, right.  But to me that was a little boost because I started my blog when I was a real nOOb here.  Probably was only at this about 2 weeks.  Hell I didn't even know what a keyword was when I picked the name of it.  So i was really surpised that I found it on page 3.

The real boost came when I did a search in "quotes".  I was amazed that i was on the fist page. *th spot.That seemed so freakin' awesome to me.  This was something I started not knowing anything about keywords, domains, hosting, servers, widgets, plugins, etc, etc, etc.. and have been adding content a little at a time basically as a change of pace to keep myself sane.

Now I realize this is not the greatest as far as monthly searches are concerned, it gets about 1100 a month according to google.And has about 140,000 competitors for that keyword.  But 8 out of 140,000, never thought I'd see it.  You know what they say, "Even a blind squirrel finds a nut every now and then".

So I am UN-burned out again thanks to this. Motivated that I can actually make some things happen here.  This was about 2 days ago and since then I have added another page and a few posts to my blog.  Just checked my ranking and I am up to 6.  Some more work on it over the next few weeks and hopefully can get it to top spot, because the competition above me doesn't seem too tough.

I'm not sure the % of hits you get when your in the number 1 slot, I think I remember reading somewhere that it might be 60% or so. Maybe someone can shed some light as to what % the top 3 slots will get you as far as hits.  I figure at 50% that would be about 550 hits a month, and that would be a big boost for me.

Well that's enuff for now, got to get back to work here.  This will sustain my for a while until my next system overload, ie BURNOUT...


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IveTriedThat Premium
Rock on Ray, glad to hear you're seeing some success.

I believe the top 3 results account for 80% of clicks on a search engine results page. Good luck on your climb to the top.
klrrider Premium
Nice post and keep it up.... it is always the darkest before the dawn... happens to me quite a bit also.
Alex Copeland Premium
Way to go. It's the successes along the way that keep you going. Nice one and keep it up!