First Sale...

Last Update: August 27, 2010

Ka-ching...Ka-ching...First Sale, took me just under 6 months, but finally got it and it feels damn good.

My life has been a little hectic lately and a few different personal problems have kept me away from my IM efforts the last month or so.

On top of those issues my computer crashed last week, so I have been scrambling to get things back in order.

So I went to clickbank and was having trouble logging in.  I did the forgot password thing, and when I finally got myself logged in....There it was, $36.58, SWEET.

I was beginning to have my doubts...but I realize that I haven't really been putting hardly any work into this the last couple months.  So all my efforts 3,4,5 months ago paid off for this sale, and hopefully a lot more to come.

Thanks to everyone here at WA for all their help.

Now I gotta keep that ball rollin'.




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tport144 Premium
jatdebeaune Premium
Seeing results is the best motivator. Now you know for sure that you will get sales from your efforts. Congratulations!
Louise M. Premium
Niiice! Congrats! :)
Jamie Smith Premium
Cheers Ray, congrats on your success! YES, keep that ball rollin'