About Rcarney6
Joined August 2008
I am currently the department chairperson for Biblical Studies at Morthland College, but I am really enjoying learning about internet marketing on the side. Finding volumes of information here, I wish all of us well.
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KittKat Premium
Hello there Randy! Fancy meeting you here! LOL
KittKat Premium
Thanks for the tips, Randy! Glad to finally be here! Wendy and I joined last night... you should check your CB account! ;)

Talk to you later!
KittKat Premium
Yes, Randy... that was us ~ I was first though... LOL
KittKat Premium
Randy ~ I am doing great! Thanks for checking in! Hope all is going well with your PPC! I may be picking your brain here soon myself! =)
rcarney6 Premium
Helloooooooooo, Cate,

Good to see you here! Did you joing yesterday or last night. There are so many choices it is easy to get overwhelmed. The eight-week action plan is good. it doesn't have daily tasks but weekly tasks. Also, about the thirf or fourth week, they ask you if you want to use free methods or paid methods. When I first went through, I stuck with the free methods, which are a continuation and reiforcement of what you learn at MOIS.

Since I was doing PPC book for MOIS 2, I went through the plan again using paid methods. That's when i got the two sales in the first five days of the month!

Another thing that is good is the Superaffiliate course, which gives you tasks to complete before you move on. I am just finishing the third week of it. I'm finding I like Pay-per-click.

I always read the new items that come up in the Share Zone which is put out by members. You'll find the forums similar to MOIS but populated with people who are not only beginners but also with experienced people, so you can get help at whatever level you are.

Anyway, welcome aboard. If I can help on this side, let me know.
rcarney6 Premium
Cate, another tip. I noticed that when I tried to use Site Rubix, sometimes the program would go into a loop, just saying, "loading content" over and over. After reading through several things here, found out that if you use Mozilla Firefox that is a lot less likely to happen. You can download Firefox for free. I will talk to you later. Gotta finish getting ready for tonight's message.
rcarney6 Premium
Hi, Cate,

Hope you are doing well.
Sweetestmiracle Premium
Well "hi" there my friend. I finally took the leap. Look forward to interacting with you in here;)
rcarney6 Premium
Hi, Wendy,

Hey, another adventure together. I'm glad you made it over here. There are so many things offered here, it is easy to get overwhelmed. I found the 8-week action plan to be good. It has weekly tasks instead of daily tasks. About the third or fourth week, it asks you to choose free or paid marketing tactics. The first time I went (and partly just read) through it, I went the free route. I found it to be a lot like MOIS as far as what it taught, but it ded tweak some things.

Since I was writing about PPC for MOIS 2, I went through the plan again, and chose "paid" methods. I internalized what they were teaching and expressed the ideas in my own ways as additions to the PPC PLR book we have access to at MOIS2. I also began to apply what I was reading. That was when I made the two sales in five days at the beginning of the month. I am finding I really like PPC, but I am still refining how to keep from losing money as well as making it with that method.

Anyway, it is great to have you here.

Another thing I always do is read everything that comes out in the Share Zone. Most of those things are very helpful. You'll find the forum populated with beginners and advanced marketers, so you can get help at whatever level you are.

Another thing I am helpful is the Super Affiliate course. I has tasks that you have to complete before you can go to the next. I am somewhere between steps 3 and 4 or between 4 and 5. Anyway, it has been really good too.
I hope this furthers your goal of being able to quit your job.

Today is my last Sunday as pastor of my church. I presented some of my future ministry ideas and picked up several people who are going to support us on a monthly basis. Pardon me for getting into the lingo of my occupation, but, "Praise the Lord!" Ha! Between Affiliate marketing becoming more successful and getting "missions support," maybe I will be able to replace that church income before too much longer. I need to because it is already gone. In fact i got my last check (I was paid in advance) about a month ago!
rcarney6 Premium
Another thing I noticed when I was learning Site Rubix, You sometimes have to use Mozilla Firefox for it or it may hang up. You can download Firefox for free. I still prefer IE most of the time, but sometimes i use Firefox when I am doing Site Rubix. Navigating these WA Spaces, i hung up a little too. I suspect Firefox might be better for doing this too.
mission0ps Premium
Good luck my man & welcome in
rcarney6 Premium
Hi, Tony,

Thanks for the welcome. I hope things go well for you.
johnson1506 Premium
Welcome to WA, Good Luck and let me know if you want any help! Jx
rcarney6 Premium
Thanks for the welcome. I started with the My Online Income System. I did little more than make back my investment with it, but I learned a lost of terminology and internet marketing concepts with it. That program also introduced me to Travis Sago (a member here) and bummarketing. I don't think I would have understood half of what I read here if had not gone through MOIS first.

I make money online, but it is mainly through a freelance writing contract to write chapters for a chemistry textbook. That causes my time level for internet marketing to go up and down.

One of the interesting things I found here was the entry in the share zone about writing 90 articles in three days. While I have not approached that level, I have tried writing the same information in threee different ways. It has been interesting to see the different numbers of clicks related to the different titles. If you haven't already checked it out, you might want to look it up.

Keep up the good work.
CSmith1 Premium
Hi rcarney6, the method in my video works for me, I tested again last night and about 2 hours later the stats had been recorded.
The only thing I can suggest is to try again, make sure you insert the "Legacy Tracking Code (urchin.js)" and it goes into the last possible module.
If it doesn't work the other option is to download the files to your computer and insert the code while editing the html files in notepad or another program. inserting the code immediately before the tag.
Then you would need to ftp the files back to your hosting.
CSmith1 Premium
Hi rcarney6, quick question, do you know how to use Core FTP to connect to your hosting? https://my.wealthyaffiliate.com/index.php/hosting/help/ftp_view
If you don't go download the program and see if you can connect, I'll show you via video how to add the tracking code it's very easy.
CSmith1 Premium
Hi Randy,
Ok, there is no audio with this video, I have a house full and kids running around like crazy.

First you should go into siterubix and delete the tracking codes you entered then re-upload your site via siterubix.
Then install and open Core FTP and follow along with the video, if you have any question just let me know.
CSmith1 Premium
Hi Randy,
Site Name: What ever you like.
HOST/IP/URL: (enter that ip if your using wa hosting, as we are all on the same shared ip)
USERNAME & PASSWORD: same as what you use to connect via siterubix ftp program, your details located on the WA hosting page next to your domain.

This image is how I have it set up [IMG]http://thewiseaffiliate.com/pics/coreftp.JPG[/IMG]

I'm heading out for a few hours but let me know if you get stuck.
CSmith1 Premium
Hi Randy, Looks like you got it figured out, I was just looking at the source code for betteroffnow.com and your tracking code is in the correct place. Are stats being recorded now?
CSmith1 Premium
Hi Randy, Glad you go it all figure out and thanks for the gold, I think the reason you had the problem in the first place has something to do with the template, because all your content was inside a table, in my video the template I used had a module outside of the template.
Anyway it's good you now know how to login via ftp etc, it will come in handy.

rcarney6 Premium
Hi, Welshy,

I don't doubt that you are telling the truth; however, all I can is that I think I have the steps exatcly as you suggested. Actually I had done that before I saw your video except that I had tried the new code. After watching the video. I went back and removed the code I had put in, and went through it again, just like you show, using the leagcy code. I was really hopeful that would make the difference. As you can see, I left it up for several days, and the stats still do not show.

Putting it in before the "/body" code is what I would want to have done in the first place but how to do that is a little beyond me. You said to "open the files in notepad." O.K. I woud like to do that, but what files are you talking about? I know how to go to the ftp and see the left icon in the upper right corner that lists the files, but is there just one for the page I want to do; or, are there different files for all the modules on that page?

I also am curious as to why we should use the legacy code instead of the new code. Thanks for your help.

Also, nice family. I am always excited about families that stay together and enjoy doing so :) !
rcarney6 Premium
Welshy, I may have downloaded the FTPCore earlier.
The screens that show down below that look like what you can do with Site Rubix when you click on "Site", etc. and click on the icon at the top of your page to ftp upload your files, just like what you have to do after you edit the boxes or add new things to Site Rubix. That screen already has http://docs on it.

Is that what I need or do you think I still need to download coreftp?

Thanks. I would be glad to watch the video for going that route.

Again, thanks for your quick reply and your conern.

rcarney6 Premium
Hi, Craig (I think someone called you that earlier) or Welshy,

It's me again. Looking at the video, I don't think I have Core FTP, so I downloaded it. That went O.K.
I think I understand the video. I went back into Site Rubix and removed the code I had placed there. Then I uploaded that file again through Site Rubix.

Now, my problem is with one of the very first screens i see on the video. It is shown only briefly, so I paused the video where I could see it.
It is the "Site Manager Screen" (for Core FTP). I am assuming I should be using "New Site." (Correct me if I am wrong.)
I guess I could name whatever I wanted 'for "Site Name."
I don't know what to put for "Host/IP/URL." I mean I know what the IP address is for my computer, but I am not sure if that is what goes there.
After that, I am guessing that I pick my own username and password.

If I can get over that hump I might be able to do the rest.

Thanks again for your help. I think I am almost there!

rcarney6 Premium
Hi, Craig, Yes! I am reciving stats. There were 5 over the last few days. Some of them were from my town, so those were the ones I was making to check to see if they were being recorded. One of them was from Ottawa. Was that one your from when you checked my page? Another one was frm Eastlake, so that was probably one that was "real traffic."

Thanks again for taking the time to see this through.

rcarney6 Premium
Oh, yes, I still don't know why putting the code in the box that is closes to the end does not work, but, as I said, thanks for showing how to do it with CoreFTP. I am giving you some gold.