About Sweetestmiracle
Joined April 2009
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MrAlaska Premium
Welcome to WA!
Donsean Premium
Welcome to WA!
KittKat Premium
Hello there, buddy! We finally made it! :)
Sweetestmiracle Premium
Hi everyone. I currently live in Oregon and work as a Speech Pathologist Assistant in one of the biggest school districts in Oregon.
Entering the realm of internet marketing has become a hugh challenge for me since I am also working full-time (hope to stay that way with budget cuts).
I look forward to sharing what knowledge I have gained in building my online business and look forward to learning more through the WA Community!
Sweetestmiracle Premium
That we did my friend!! Lets see what we can find to start increasing our knowledge base shall we?;)
Sweetestmiracle Premium
Randy that is great to hear. Cate and I are excited to be here also. I know that there is so much more to learn. plus as I go along with the plan in here, I can apply it to MOIS2. Ummmmm yep, still on day 8 LOL. I haven't had time getting back to it yet with Cate hounding me (just kidding) This will be a perfiect opportunity to apply ne techniques in helping to build my business.
I am also so happy to hear that your church is supporting you you. This should help you and provide the time you need to build your business further. You deserve it!! As you already probably figured out, Cate and I will be drilling ya time to time;) Look forward to working with you in here as I do in MOIS. Post to ya soon my friend;)
Sweetestmiracle Premium
Yea I had to download the firefox to be able to use the forum. I did everything I could while Cate waited patiently LOL So this will be good to know that I might need it later in the course. Thanks Randy;)
Sweetestmiracle Premium
Thanks it is great to be here. I am hoping to learn and implement as much as possible while contributing back;) Pretty excited right now!
Sweetestmiracle Premium
HI TJ! Thanks for the welcome. Is there a different way of sending these messages other than through my profile LOL?
Sweetestmiracle Premium
HI Donsean! Thanks for the welcome;)
Red.Dayton Premium
Hi Sweetestmiracle and Welcome to the WA Community. Click on peoples pictures to reply and to get buddies! Eddie B
Red.Dayton Premium
Glad to have you here! Definitely start by working the 8 Week Action Plan and reading posts in the Forums. Take your time and don%u2019t let yourself get overwhelmed by all the information that you will find here. Some of the most helping people that you will find anywhere online are right here here in the WA community.
Sweetestmiracle Premium
Thanks for the welcome Eddie. Still trying to maneuver my way around WA. So much to get myself familiar with. Very exciting to say the least;)