Is Twitter An Internet Marketing Tool?

Last Update: April 14, 2010

Hi All,

This came through my email and I thought I should share ...No links.. I promise... Another thing, for those who get ArcaMax newsletters, just ignore the article... no need wasting your precious time, lol.... Finally, a big thank you to Sally  Neill for sharing...

The article:-

"I do not know if Evan Williams, creator of Twitter (and Blogger.Com before Google bought it) created Twitter as a marketing tool, but either way, marketers instantly seen the potential Twitter held.

This was mainly due a few simple facts:

Twitter is super easy to use. It is free. Your updates can contain a link or url of any website your choice.You can reach millions of people without having them sign up to your mailing list.

Instead of having to convince people to part with their name and email address, Twitter gave marketers a new way to promote their products online.

Even better still, it was free. You see, by simply getting followers to your twitter account, you could instantly promote products to them, be it your own products or affiliate products.

 Twitter therefore soon became a major source for free traffic seekers worldwide. But as more and more marketers took over Twitter, people were becoming wise to their onslaught of, quite blatant, promotions. So marketers had to change their so called game.

Most Internet Marketers on Twitter now have very personalized pages, with their personal photograph.

They allow us to follow them in order to give us access to their inner most thoughts and we sometimes even get to hear about what they have for lunch.

 With the current obsession of fly on the wall documentaries and reality tv shows, following anyone on Twitter seems to have become a new obsession with even the most famous celebrities, pop stars and movie stars using it.

 Celebrities obviously do not have to actively seek followers to their twitter pages, but unknown online marketers do.

However, few marketers know how to use Twitter correctly, they struggle to utilize the small limit of just 140 characters per update.

 Others constantly bombard their followers with too many tweets forcing their followers to well, simply un-follow them.

In order to find some success with Twitter you have to be yourself, forget blatant promotions, offer some wise words, quirky quotes, quality tips and followers are sure to come in their droves.

The more valuable you make your tweets, the more likely your followers will re-tweet them and cause a viral effect of more followers being added to your twitter account.

You should treat Twitter as a relationship builder rather than simply a marketing tool and then you will see how much Twitter can help your business" . 

So here is to happy and profitable twitting.......

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Rea Premium
I have just been reading RRH90's reply to the guy who posted the "Scammed by wealthy affiliatee" topic on the Forum " and at the end of that reply there is an invite to meet RRH90 on 'twitter' and I did click to visit... I was pleasantly surprised to find an page with lots of interesting IM stuff... So I guess that's what the lady Neill at ArcaMax was on about in the article above... Great page Ryan., will come visit again really soon..Lol.
Rea Premium
I think what Neill doesnt say is what section of twitter one should register with. If you logon to, and register there you'll find you're not alone... there are tons of businesses and individuals account holders and almost every twit has a link, even if it's to tell others about a news item in a tabloid. I have also heard that one should not add a large number of followers all at once, as twitter would take it as spamming.
jatdebeaune Premium
I've had that experience using Twitter, but it was a while back. I was actually enjoying it myself. I was using software I purchased from a guru, part of a marketing plan. Twitter kept kicking me out for some reason. But that was then and this is now, so maybe things have changed.