About Red.Dayton
Joined December 2008
Hello Wealthy Affiliates!

My name is Eddie; I worked in the IT department of a large textile company until my job was moved offshore. I live in a rural area and have decided that I will not make the long commute to the nearest city to stay in my current career. Instead I will give working from home my best shot.

And so I begin my new adventure . . .
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Recent messages
Red.Dayton Premium
I would like to wish everyone a safe and happy holiday!
Sojourner Premium
Thanks for your words of encouragement to me and for adding me to your buddy list. I've done the same. You're absolutely correct in saying that the people of WA are some wonderful and helpful people. I've received so much encouragement in just the two short days I became a membe until I'm just overwhelmed. I'm very excited about the opportunities that are here for all of us.
Sojourner Premium
Oh, I forgot to wish you the best in your decision to get out of the rat race. That's what I'm trying to do, and in looking at your back yard, I can see you're not inside the city limits. I am, and my goal is to get out of the rat race and the city. I want to live in an area where there is less noise and congestion, and where the air smells like air. The best to you!
Sojourner Premium
Howdy! Blessed day to you, continued success!
Red.Dayton Premium
Well hello and thank you, hope that all is going well for you!

krafty Premium
I just read that you have your cool site already set-up. That' s great news, way to go. I had set-up a domain also using the same guide :)
Let me know how it goes.

Red.Dayton Premium
Hi Ben, thanks for stopping by, I%u2019d be glad to keep you updated of my progress with the new page. In the meantime it%u2019s back to the books. EddieB
GT-R Premium
Hey Eddie, Im from the IT world as well. Good to see you on WA and I wish you the best of luck. This place will open your eyes to so many things and hopefully your online success.
Good luck man
Red.Dayton Premium
Hey GT-R, glad to meet you and thanks for the encouragement.
Eddie B
klrrider Premium
Hi Eddie and welcome to WA. Sorry to here about the job but it just might turn out to be the best thing to happen to you! See you in the Forum.

click the pics to reply and get buddies!
Red.Dayton Premium
Hi klrrider, thanks for the welcome, we knew that the layoffs were coming but when they came for me I was actually relived to be over with it and out of there!

I am determined to make a go of it from home and have high expectations of WA. I have all ready started to dig into the program and am impressed with both the wealth and quality of the material so far.
Red.Dayton Premium
Hey KlrRider, I just completed your %u2018Newbie Jump Start%u2019 guide, very clear and easy to follow. I have my new %u2018way cool domain%u2019 setup and am waiting for the changes to propagate. Now I just need to work on sending some traffic to the site.

I really appreciate that you were not up-selling anything in your guide.
Thank you very much,
oh and here%u2019s some gold!