Posts by Reefswimmer 13
April 25, 2012
Ah, the button top-right says Create a new Blog, which actually means to me I can create (add, post)a new post on my existing blog !  OK.  Got it ! This is really so funny---I am meandering around, similar to what I did when I first joined WA.  First thing is, I wanted to figure out when OEP got started.  Most entries seem to lack a date.  But I finally got it----sometime around now, April 2012.  Hooray ! So, I'll catch my friends up on Big Islan
wow, i am back from about a year and a half away from WA! It was an excursion into the wild world of taking care of my health.. Four separate surgeries, a few other hospital stays, a couple pneumonias taking me back into hospitals, oh it goes on and on. So, all is once again well, i am back in my beloved Pacific Ocean on my beloved Big Island. To swim again is the greatest joy, and I revel in it every day. So, WA is in transition too ! becoming OEP, I gather. Can't find a common landin
September 09, 2010
A good friend brought me a dozen or so coconuts the other day, from deep in the sacred valley of Waipio where he lives and farms taro  and other ono (delicious) fruits and vegetables.. These coconuts he brought me are young, so they are filled each with a cup or so of the most delicious, nutritious clear  coconut water.   No chemicals ever came near these babies: they are wonderful.    So every day I open one with my trusty machete.  I like to leave today's coc
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September 08, 2010
Today I  read Barbara's  inspiring blog post at  bkb2012.  Thanks Barbara! The meandering stage, she calls it.  I say revel in the meandering, newbies!  In my own experience,  it was an essential stage in recovering from the overwhelmed I-am-new-at-WA stage that I plowed thru with such blind faith. After working thru most of this challenging first stage  I became able  to meander, and that's when I realized I was changing.   Here's how it w
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Haven't bothered to mention it before, but actually for almost a month now since I got home to Hawaii from the mainland, I've been dealing with the Achilles' heel of my health, which is severe post-viral asthma.  A teeny little two-day cold arrives and disappears quite nicely, but my lungs take one look at this puny invader and shriek.  My immune system brings out  quite ineffective elephant guns to deal with this apparent nothing of a cold, and the next thing you know there's bac
August 13, 2010
so I walked outside last night, a little after 11 pm local time.  This stray thought  was going thru my head as I stepped onto the grass, something like .....gosh I wonder if I will see any............ and that thought was accompanied by that little vague feeling of doubt...and exactly then I raised my eyes to the straightoverhead sky and a Huge, Long, Spectacular streak of a meteor flew in this beautiful arc right over my eyes.  Not just any ol' meteor , either. This baby had a s
Tonight is the night !  August 12-13, 2010.  The moon is pretty new, and anyway it sets around 10 pm, with the showers blasting out of Perseus  starting (I think ) an hour or so later.  That means that by 11 pm tonight, I will be out in the yard on a blanket, lying on the grass so the horizon is kinda in my peripheral vision, and seeing what catches my eye.  Perseus is (I think) in the northeast sky, rising above the horizon somewhat around 11 pm, so that's where I will
Finally home on my beautiful Big Island, after two weeks away to be with family on the mainland.   My laptop bit the dust while I was traveling . I think it can be rescued, but meanwhile I had no internet access for two weeks. So when I got as far as LA, I bought a backup laptop.  I'm not one to buy a second laptop just for the fun of it, but the thought of not working on articles and websites for a couple more weeks while my primary laptop is  repaired, was just too much. It's a
Usually I write about life that lives in the ocean.  Today, birds.  These beautiful Hawaiian  islands are filled with birds, and  the birds are filled with song.  The resulting orchestra  keeps changing instruments depending on the time of day, how far above sea level you are, and even the season (yes, we have seasons !) I live right by the ocean, in an area always quite warm, always quite dry.   It's a tiny geographical niche, and some birds choose it above an
O good grief, I just finished this long and wonderful (yes, I think it was wonderful)  post on honu.  I was cleaning up a couple typos, pushed a key that turned a few lines grey, tried to get out of it-----and bingo, the whole thing is gone. Gone!  Did all the little tricks I could think of, nothing worked. So, what does work is called Doing it Again. Bet you"ve been there, done that at some point. So I will press Save as I go, but I think the same thing would happen. Oh,well