Home again with a new computer

Last Update: July 23, 2010

Finally home on my beautiful Big Island, after two weeks away to be with family on the mainland.  

My laptop bit the dust while I was traveling . I think it can be rescued, but meanwhile I had no internet access for two weeks. So when I got as far as LA, I bought a backup laptop.  I'm not one to buy a second laptop just for the fun of it, but the thought of not working on articles and websites for a couple more weeks while my primary laptop is  repaired, was just too much.

It's a not-surprising sign of how important this work has become to me. 

When I opened up the WA  site tonight, I realized that in my two'week absence, my ranking went skyhigh back up- to 4816.  It has been bouncing around within a range of 58 or so up to 250 or so, and I have to admit my curiosity in trying to figure out  how my various kinds of input influenced my rank , especially since the whole thing obviously depends on what everyone else is doing too.  

So now, in one of those interesting little sidelights of life, I will be watching once again how my various activities on WA influences rank.  It is a funny preoccupation for a minute or so each day.  And I guess I just learned what two weeks away does!

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reefswimmer Premium
aloha Louse----happily and totally agree with you on all counts! It's just one of those funny little quirks as we go along: the capriciousness and fragility of numbers. Sometimes they seem to have a life of their own. I was bemused by my ranking sometimes at under 100 since I am so new, and to my way of thinking, I have not contributed all that much to the WA community---yet. Then i disappear for two weeks and yikes! So now I have a funny new little sideline to watch from day to day since I am back online. Numbers ! I cannot exactly say they rock, but they do indeed dance !
Diane, reefswimmer
jatdebeaune Premium
Welcome back Diane. This work gets intense and sometimes you have to break away for a while. Nice to visit family. I'm going up to Vermont this month to be with my niece. Looking forward to it.
Louise M. Premium
You can increase your member rank by commenting on blogs, posting on your own WA blog, participating in the forum, creating resources... But you know, in the end, the most important rank is your website's rank. ;)