Huge Thanks to all Tutorial Writers, and especially today to klrrider

Last Update: June 29, 2010

aloha you !

Had my two-month-aversary at WA the other day, and today there was a simple eye-opener that let me see how much I have learned here, just this tiny bit of the way along the journey.

Bob H (klrrider) wrote this super tutorial that goes along with all other super tutorials here at WA. His is on doing backlinks, he shows every step nice and slowly on video as he does it .  Here's the kicker.  I remember looking at it, roughly at the two-week mark for me----and it made zero sense to me. Zero.

Today, i read it again and I was practically bouncing out of my chair. Phenomenal stuff !  And the chart/mindmap that looked incomprehensible to me just x weeks ago----AWESOME !  It's going up on the corkboard.!

WA people are amazing. and so generous. I can hardly wait to get that good, and contribute tutorials myself.

OK.  I can do what I'm good at here comes  a bit more of Big Island , and why home is my favorite place in the world. 

Today it is the honu.  Actually, I am going to publish this post so the gratitude stands on its own, and then I'm going to continue right on to a separate  post about my beloved honu.   (Besides, you do want to know who/what  honu is/are. Right ???) Hah !




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jatdebeaune Premium
Diane, You should make the honu your insignia or trademark. Make a little graphic turtle and use it on everything.