Special message from Dr. Martin Luther King

Last Update: January 17, 2011

http://my.wealthyaffiliate.com/wap/71936/images/father ted and Martin Luther King.jpg" /> 

"If you can't run.  Jog!  If you can't jog. 

Walk!  If you can't walk.  Crawl! 

But by all means.....Keep Moving!!!!!!!!!"

This is one of my favorite quotes ever.  And I believe if we all "apply" this message here at Wealthy Affiliate. "The Sky Is The Limit!!!!" 

Peace and Love to Everyone 


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magicman Premium
The radio station I listen to on the way home from the J-O-B played excerpts from Dr. King's speeches. I was shivering with goose bumps! You know, there's no perfect person on this earth. Dr. King proved even an imperfect man can reach for the stars and move humanity in the process. He deserves to be honored and emulated. God help us with our anger and continue to help us follow in the footsteps of a truly great man. Peace to all. Out.
veristis Premium
Thanks reid1, this is motivating. It just occurred to me that I haven't listened to any of King's speeches in a very long time. I'm off to youtube.
Jamie Smith Premium
That is a great quote and it certainly applies to taking action with marketing! Always moving forward.
jatdebeaune Premium
Love that quote too. What a great man he was!