"Takin' my time." My first blog.

Last Update: January 16, 2011

"I have decided to take my time with this venture.  I have decided that if this is what I inspire to do; then I need to become "one with it."  Like fingers attached to my hand."  

So I learned to make it a part of my everyday life.  "Drawing inspiration from the "sun", and the "rain!"
  When I first joined Wealthy Affiliate I overwhelmed myself with all the information. Anxiety would take over and I would have to give myself a break from the computer.  Proceeding to something else, to clear my mind. 
Knowing I could came back to it gave me a sense of calm and relaxation.  
In the beginning my mind would go "a mile a minute!"  Wondering. How am I going to learn all of this?  
So I started from the top, and when I stumbled into the "Training Center" section; I knew I had struck gold! The "Article Marketing" section is what intrigued me the most.  So I dove in "head first."  Thanks to PotPieGirl; I got off to a pretty good start. 
She's the true definiton of a "teacher!"  
Article Marketing is my main focus, and I have embraced my role as a beginner.  Building one day at a time with no pressure. Tingling in the inside because I'm actually seeing results.
I could care less about the end result, because I'm enjoying the journey.  Meeting ambitious people, and simply "Takin' my time."

Special Thanks to Kyle and Carson for paving the way!

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morlandroger Premium
Like your attitude. Must confess to having ups and downs about it all but keep positive most of the time. Good luck and keep on enjoying.
Meadow Breeze Premium
Hi Reid1, Your blog post says a lot of what I have been thinking since this is the start of my second month here at WAU. Everyone I have contacted at WA seems to have a positive attitude. Surrounding myself with all this inspiration is really great. Please be a buddy of mine at WAU!
jatdebeaune Premium
It's interesting to read what everyone has to say about entering the world of online marketing. We all have this exciting and slightly intimidating thing in common, which brings us together. People who aren't into this business just don't have a clue. I call it "woven learning" because in the end, all the integral things we are learning have to be well integrated in order to work.
Eugn23 Premium
Hey Reid, definitely update us on your progress. I connected with almost everything you said. Now its time to hustle!