9 steps forward. 9 steps back!

Last Update: June 29, 2012
It’s Day #14 of my actual membership, Day #9 on my 30 Day Success Club calendar and back to Day #1 in reality!

I’m using Day #9 as recommended, to catch-up, re-cover and check everything I’ve worked through so far. It’s also a great opportunity to put my feet up and watch a WAbinar-or-two to help me tackle the couple of bits I’ve deliberately skipped over. I probably shouldn’t mention the skipping bit (!) but in case it helps anyone else who is just starting out, I find it better to move forward with the occasional (in my case frequent) detours back, rather than allowing myself to get mired down in something that’s not going well and end up feeling stuck.

I’ve already managed to catch up with two of the latest pieces of training, so special thanks to Vicky for Local Marketing and Ty for How Does Affiliate Marketing Work. I found both pieces incredibly informative and thoroughly enjoyable. Kudos!

OK, here’s hoping I’ll be ready for Day #10 by the close of play today!

Photo: Peter Nijenhuis (CCL)
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veronica.l Premium
Rich be proud of yourself you have accomplished a lot in 14 days!! Enjoy putting your feet up. I am glad you liked the local marketing training, join us when we have our local marketing chat... will post the next chat on my blog here at WA.