Back. Fast forward. Today is?

Last Update: June 18, 2012
OK, this should be my Day #8 but having backtracked to the beginning I’m now on Day #5, having barrelled through Days #1, #2, #3 and #4 over the weekend. It’s certainly easier the second time around. I’ve even managed to go 48-hours without feeding my domain name addiction, courtesy of a shrunken, bright-green veronica.l perched on my shoulder and answering to the nickname "Jiminy". IOU Veronica!
I caught up with a post from Amy Farr and some chat from Daniel_Euergetes on Getting Things Done and this encouraged me to search the WA training for motivational pieces. I normally have an aversion to any form of productivity porn (aside from David Allen’s 2-Minute Rule) but I found IveTriedThat’s Finding Motivation to Work article inspiring, even though it meant setting up timed-deliveries of Hagen-Daz and cancelling my pre-order for a solid gold throne. I guess I’m learning to compromise.
Right, I’m off to open a Street Articles account. I’ll be back shortly, no doubt wrestling with writer’s block.

Photo: James Box (CCL)
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veronica.l Premium
:) I don`t think I have bought a domain since Thursday. Did you get everything set up with Streetarticles?
@RICH. Premium
Look at you, leading a noob by example! Congrats. Umm.... I've 'opened' a Street Articles account, does that count? ;)
veronica.l Premium
It counts :) now you just have to add something to it!