Posts by @RICH. 15
Yup. I'm still whinging on-and-on-and-on about the demon nib.I know that other Members of WA just get on with it and daily post multiple blogs and articles, some of them writing in English when it's not even their mother-tongue. I really should hang my head in shame. I'm capable of stringing a sentence together and even sometimes of getting the punctuation in the right place. It's just that everything I write turns out dull, flat and tedious. I get bored just reading it back to m
My current 30 Day Success Club Website, Experiment #3, will utilise a 5-word long-tail domain name. For those familiar with Jaaxy, it has Monthly Searches: 344907, Estimated Traffic: 58635, QSR: 74, had that very, very pretty green light, and an SEO of 96. Oh, and both the .com and .org were available. In other words, it was totally irresistible, my promises to Vimini (veronica.l) Cricket be DAMN’d.This got me to thinking, how is it possible to associate social networking with a long-tail
OK, I have keyword rich domain name: laughing. I bet the YouTube video of the practical demo goes viral with millions of hits! :PSo, my question is how best to get traffic to lengthy keyword rich domains from such mundane items as business cards? Create a short-form domain ie. or the more memorable for use in print and emails and then use a 301 redirect to the keyword rich domain name? Likewise for so
I signed up to WAU for a year today, no hassle this time, so kudos to Carson for fixing the subscription form to accept weird British credit card numbers!I’ve probably bored the pants off practically everyone at WAU concerning my inability to link a few sentences into either a post or an article, so I summoned a crowd of mates for Sunday lunch, including a couple of journos and a published scriptwriter. A few hours later, after much alcohol and lengthy and lazy discussions, I’m reduc
July 07, 2012
I am proud to announce that I’ve successfully (OK, that’s a matter of opinion, I know….) completed Your First 10 Days (hurrah!) three times (ouch!) and would just like to offer my sincere thanks to all those who supported me through it, multiple times.I’d better give fair warning that this noob is about to sign up to WA for a year, news that will undoubtedly leave Beverley (@BIS) and Dean (@Apina) banging their heads on their respective desks as they have the most to bea
July 03, 2012
I was happy, really happy, just working my way through 30 Day Success Club. No probs. Until Kyle decides to launch Your First 10 Days. I know, I know. I should just have left it well alone, but not my own modicum of good sense nor Vimini (sic) Cricket’s whispered blandishments could stop me. I just had to start over, with the new, improved training.So, back to Day #1.I’m unable, due to geographical distances, to met out the good ol’fashioned Tudor justice that's warranted,
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It’s Day #14 of my actual membership, Day #9 on my 30 Day Success Club calendar and back to Day #1 in reality!I’m using Day #9 as recommended, to catch-up, re-cover and check everything I’ve worked through so far. It’s also a great opportunity to put my feet up and watch a WAbinar-or-two to help me tackle the couple of bits I’ve deliberately skipped over. I probably shouldn’t mention the skipping bit (!) but in case it helps anyone else who is just starting ou
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It’s Day #7 and I’m at the signing up to affiliate programs & networks stage. The former is easy enough, I’m registered with several already, including WA, simply by virtue of being a customer. It’s the latter, affiliate networks, that I’m slightly confused about. As a noob, my first ever website has barely any content apart from the requisite home, about, privacy policy etc. pages. I notice that the sign up pages for affiliate networks such as Amazon Associates req
June 19, 2012
I’ll put my hand up. I haven’t submitted a Magnum Opus to Street Articles as outlined in Day #5. I’m stuck agonising about whether or not I can string a sentence together, let alone write an entire article. I’ve got concepts for several pieces, checked the keywords on Jaaxy, downloaded the research but can’t seem to get to grips with the actual writing. I’ve decided to take a breather and read Kyle’s Writing Articles to Promote Wealthy Affiliate. I&rsquo
OK, this should be my Day #8 but having backtracked to the beginning I’m now on Day #5, having barrelled through Days #1, #2, #3 and #4 over the weekend. It’s certainly easier the second time around. I’ve even managed to go 48-hours without feeding my domain name addiction, courtesy of a shrunken, bright-green veronica.l perched on my shoulder and answering to the nickname "Jiminy". IOU Veronica!I caught up with a post from Amy Farr and some chat from Daniel_Euergetes on Gettin