Persistence Is Your Key to Success

Last Update: June 13, 2011

Hey WA,

I don't normally blog on my WA Space page but I thought I would drop a line for any new members here or those still looking to get into the wonderful world of IM.

My number one thing I tell new members or people seeking help is first, take action, but more importantly be persistent!  

The issue you will find yourself falling into is dwelling on the hype that sold you on Internet Marketing.  What I mean by this is, when you are sold on any form of IM product you are typically showed the success, the money, to potential, or the lifestyle. 

It's fundamentally HOW you are sold on IM!

No one is going to sell you on IM by saying, "Write 1000's or articles, fire out boring backlinks, spend loads on outsourcing, spend painful hours setting up you blog and GET PAID FOR IT!".  Nono it's more like, "Own the car of your dreams, spend your life with your kids, work from home, create your own hours, etc".

As you can see, you get these expectations that you will fulfill those claims which is setting you up for a massive fail right out of the gates.  Am I saying they are false claims? Nono, you can get there - you just have to stay persistent and not let the initial void(fail) knock you off the horse.

Let me give you an example,

Let's say you love to Golf and a swing coach comes up to you and says if you buy into his coaching you will become a Tour pro and absolutely live the high life you've dreamed of.  You buy in, and after 1 month you are actually worse (typical with a swing change) and you're also 1000$ in the hole!  You question if the coaching really works, you don't want to invest any more money, and ultimately you quit!

However, if the coach had told you - listen it will take 2 years, daily practice, and a lot of work but if you buy into my coaching I will make sure in two years you will be a Tour Pro - would you buy into it.  If you really wanted it yes, and you wouldn't care you got worse after 1 month because you know it's going to take a lot of work and time. 

So what I am saying is, don't get discouraged you don't have 1000$'s in your pocket after a few months, keep working at it, be persistent and if you need help - seek help in the forums here!  We want to help you succeed!

This stuff works, just keep at it!



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Robbeh Premium
Thanks all, just thought i would share that to get away from all the learning and resources...I keep a motivation folder with all the videos and posts that get me going.
Labman_1 Premium
Thanks Robb, good stuff here. Helps keep all of us motivated not just the new folks.
Plaque on my wall says: "Perseverance and audacity generally win. (Dorothee Deluzy quote) and that essentially sums up your blog. Offline universities provide tuition to enable students to graduate with various degrees. This takes years, not weeks or months. With IM small successes can be attained along the way but history shows that most successful marketers took at least a year to achieve a consistent high income and still have to keep working at the tasks to maintain that. Anything in life that comes easy is seldom valued nor does it usually have any longevity. Nick Faldo is a good example of the golfing analogy you presented. Paid dividends for him didn't it?
Jamie Smith Premium
Well said, this stuff works, I watched it work in other person's life, that is how I got involved. IM has blessed my life and yes, I work my ass off to have this success worldwide. I LOVE my life and I am forever grateful to Jay, Kyle, Carson & Marcus!
jatdebeaune Premium
What great advice. So true. Why would IM be different from any other professional pursuit? Thanks Robb.