The Hot Tub Sale

Last Update: December 07, 2010

I had made a post in General Marketing Discussion about your favourite sale and many mentioned I should blog the post.  So here goes!

I got the opportunity to spend some time down south in Lagrange, Georgia to work on my golf game and at the same time work online.  I had been building this site for about 2 weeks before I left for a month.  The site went live the day before I left and I spent my off hours down south marketing the site.

I had some sporadic sales throughout the month, then it really kicked in gear. I started making 2 to 3 sales a day on average with a few nice days in there.

The best part was this (the story):

I had made 2 sales early on in the day, I played a round of golf - no sales, ate dinner - no sales.  I had a pretty bad kink in my neck/upper back and hit the hot tub.  I came back in to a nice $27 sale.  I thought to myself "how amazing is this, I made a little over $27 while relaxing in a hot tub".  Now I mentioned there was a lot of hard work up front, but how cool is it when you are doing something you really enjoy in life and make a little money while doing it.

It's the little successes and steps along the way that counts.  Work hard, enjoy the journey, and once you end up on top of the world (because you will) - you can really look back in enjoyment.


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Robbeh Premium
I'm a 6 handicap so a good round for me is mid 70's...not too long ago breaking 90 was a good round though!
muskyblood Premium
Good story. Paid to chillax in a hot tub, nice. BTW, what is a "good" round of golf in your opinion?
Robbeh Premium
You also have to shoot a good round of golf, eat a home cooked meal, and deal with a painful kink...then you will make lots of sales while you work it out in the hot tub haha
Labman_1 Premium
So, once I get the hot tub working I should get lots and lots of sales?
Slugger_mn Premium
I thought you sold a hot tub online.. haha