About Roberdswa
Joined April 2009
I have been at internet marketing for a few months now. Joined and quit WA last year...but found my way back. Decided it was worth it.

Looking forward to being back in the "fold"!

Roberdswa's Accomplishments

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JimStrantz Premium
Hi MaryBeth and welcome back to WA!! Your babies are looking great!! I added you to my buddy list. You can add me too. If you need help click my pic and send a message. I wish you the best of success. Dimitris.
roberdswa Premium
Hey Jim...Thanks for welcoming me back!

Kirki is a doll! What a happy baby!

My husband and I have always wanted to go to Greece! So I will keep you posted.!

Thanks for adding me to your buddy list...I will be calling on you for help! :)
Kirst Premium
stunning dogs. I LOVE Dogs and have a lab of my own

so glad you are back at WA. This is truly the best place online to learn about IM
why did you quit?
What field of IM are you going to tackle?
what are you struggling with?
I was so lost 2 months back but am back on track again.
the 8 week program was really overwhelming for a newbie but i am slowly applying what i am learning and have finally achieved my second goal which was to make 10 sales in april.
so it is possible.
hope you succeed this time.
im around if you need any help - although its somewhat limited - but i can try!
bye for now
Kirst Premium
just sent you a PM with the info.
ah i love your dogs...
just washed my BIG lab today!
roberdswa Premium
Well, you are definitely the person I need to speak with! :)
I left WA, because I thought I was on the right track...obviously not, since I am back.

I have written several lenses/campaigns on Squidoo with not one sale!

I am very impressed with your success!

I would definitely like to know more!

Thanks for "friending me"!
