Daily thought!

Last Update: February 23, 2010

I am not an experienced blogger (In fact - this is my second one ever!) so the idea now is to use this blogging facilities to chart my thoughts throughout my WA Journey. If anyone reads them thats great but if anything I think it will be usefull for me to record what is happening to me here at WA.

 Today's thought - which I posted already at the end of lesson 3 in the heavily talked about action plan!

 Excuse my controversial thoughts but I think all this moaning about the action plan waiting time is completely negative. All the moaners are complaining of being treated like children when in fact they are behaving and thinking a little bit like children themselves. It is obviously great that you want to get ahead but If you are looking to be involved in IM with a long term view then a couple of months should not really matter. All the material in the action plan is available on other areas of the site anyway so act like and adult and go get it yourself. The action plan is designed for new people and the time delay makes people do the tasks that they are meant to. They do not so readily skip tasks or try to take too much info in too quickly. . It deliberately slows the learning down. During the wait people can absorb other material on the site and familiarize themselves with the tools and facilities offered within the site aswell. This means that they are learning all aspects of the site and how to get the best out of what is on offer here at WA.

Ok I take back the childish thing ;-). perhaps keen and eager is a more apt description. All I would say is relax and be safe in the knowledge that by following the plan you are doing good for your future. During the time delay look up aspects that you want to learn about and use that time to learn more about the site and all its facilities.

Think positive, act positive!

Best of luck everyone!

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aceofspades Premium
I couldn't agree more. I just started yesterday and I think this method is working just fine. I rather completely understand and be comfortable with all of the tools given to me rather than not be aware of them and be close minded. Much luck to you man.