Positioned For Success

Last Update: February 12, 2011

As I said in a reply to somebody's blog post recently my friends are calling me 'flap top' now because my face is never away from my computer screen.

All this time has been spent at the computer on an old rickety chair with no back to it. I had consequenquently developed some pains in my back and neck. This is all the more daft as I have a degree in Ergonomics or as Americans call it Human Factors.This subject covers work health and safety in many aspects and usability of machinery, equipment, computers, inerfaces and so on. I really should know better.

So like the doctor who smokes twenty a day or the dietician who overeats I have been conviently ignoring my own preaching for some time now.

This morning at last I took  the bull by the horns and bought a flat pack, adustable, padded office seat. Cheap too at $30 in American currency. (1000 Thai Baht).

It is now assembled and once more it is a joy to sit at my computer.I feel like I am the director in my little home office! I am positioned for success.

If any of you out there are working away on substandard seating please go out and get a better one. Good lower back support is essential as is adjustable height. Second hand will do. You are likely to be spending quite some time on that seat - so go position yourself for success now!


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jatdebeaune Premium
You are so right. I also suffer from muscle spasms and pinched nerves from sitting at the computer. We all need a good ergonomic chair to sit in. Do you stand up regularly and do some stretching exercises? That's really helped me. Hard to believe that sitting at a computer can be stressful, but it is. Glad to hear that the padded seat has helped.